SFW Alphabet - 2p Italy

Start from the beginning

J - Jealous (Would they ever get jealous? How would they act if they were jealous?)

You can bet Luciano would get jealous. He can be a bit of a yandere, but if you can catch on to his jealousy in time, the other person may avoid bodily harm.

K - Kisses (How would they kiss you? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)

Luciano is a very passionate kisser. In the heat of the moment, he'd caress the back of your neck, his other hand on the small of your back or on your hip as his lips molded with your own. His favorite place to kiss you is the nape of your neck. His favorite place to be kissed is his jaw by his ear.

L - Little Ones (How are they around kids? Are they scared out of their minds or are they the kids' bff by the end of the day?)

Luciano doesn't particularly care for kids that aren't his own. He especially can't stand kids who act like brats. If he is forced to interact with a child, he will try to curb his language for the sake of the parents not yelling at him for cussing. If he finds that the kid is nothing more than a sweet, pure child, he'll probably bond with them a little.

M - Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)

Mornings with Luciano can be spent in silence, lounging in bed and just basking in other another's presence until he can have a steaming cup of coffee. Until then, good luck getting a word in without being shushed or glared at. Once he does have his coffee, he's more pleasant to deal with. He may try to help you clean after breakfast or go on a walk with you around his estate's gardens.

N - Night (How are nights spent with them?)

You can also find the two of you strolling through the gardens at night to enjoy the flowers that only bud once the sun retreats. The two of you may enjoy a glass of wine with dinner or sat on the couch, snacking while watching a movie or tv show.

O - Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything at once or wait a while to reveal?)

He would probably keep most of his life private until that six month mark. He'd stagger what he'd want to say over the period of a few days, trying not to overload you with information.

P - Photographs (Are they into documenting your relationship? What kind of pics would they take? Candids? Posed? Funny?)

If anyone is documenting the relationship, it's you. Luciano will occasionally take a picture of you in secret and post it to his social media account, especially if he thinks you look particularly stunning. He might even take one of those "boyfriend" photos of you dragging him behind you, hands connected as you trek towards your destination.

Q - Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail that you mention in passing? Do they kinda forget everything?)

Luciano tries to remember as much as he can, that way you couldn't use him forgetting something so minute against him.

R - Rain (What do they like to do when it rains?)

Luciano likes to sit by the window with a cup of coffee between his hands and watch the rain, listening to the sound of the water droplets hitting the window panes. If you're home with him, he'll have you sit nestled between his legs and read with you from a book or read to you until you fall asleep in his hold.

S - Sleep (What are their sleep habits?)

He likes his sleep. How else is he going to look so good every day? He can go to be late, but he'll always be awake before eight in the morning. His preferred bedtime is anywhere between nine and ten.

T - Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, everyday tasks?)

He's a ladies man and likes to woo you, so he goes to great lengths to make sure dates, especially on anniversaries, are special. He'll buy you flowers and take you out to dinner. He may even offer to give you a massage if he's feeling a little frisky.

U - Ugly (What would be some ugly habits of theirs that you'd not like?)

Luciano is quick to anger, often throwing a temper tantrum should things not go his way. He resorts to toying with one of his prized knives to calm down, which is more than a little unnerving.

V - Victorious (Would they play games with you? What kind of games? Would they win?)

Luciano's forte is card games, so if the two of you are playing any games together, it's something like poker or black jack. More often than not, Luciano would win, but on occasion and with practice you would win.

W - Winter (What do they do with you when the weather's cold? Is it hot cocoa and cuddle? Is it ice skating? Something else?)

Coming from a country that rarely experiences snowfall, Luciano would like to stay in with you on the coldest days of the year. He hates the cold and would prefer to curl up with you on the couch to watch tv or play a card game in the dining room.

X - Xtra... I tried (A random headcanon for them!)

If you didn't already know, my version of Luciano has a plethora of scars that run across his back from his childhood. He used to be very self conscious of them but often forgets he has them nowadays unless they are pointed out to him.

Y - Yuck (What would be things they wouldn't really like? Either in general or in a partner.)

Luciano doesn't like not being able to drink coffee in the morning. He has become rather dependent of the substance and rarely goes a day without it. He despises being double crossed or lied to.

Z - Zodiac (What is their zodiac sign? Do they fit it to a T? Speaking of zodiac, how superstitious are they when it comes to love?)

Luciano is a Pisces, so he fits only about half of their characteristics. He is indeed attractive and can be very romantic when the time comes. He's exceptionally good at reading body language and often senses a mood change in a room. He's not very superstitious and doesn't believe in zodiac compatibility. He feels that when you find the right person, it doesn't matter what zodiac sign they are.

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