Chapter One

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Letter #1 


Dear Sabrina, 

You know how... I don't know how to put this in words... but you know how you don't know how much you love something till it's gone. That's how it was when you died Sabrina. I miss you so much you were my best friend forever and then you died. I never knew how much you did for me until you were gone and I can never thank you enough, Sabrina. You helped through my parent's divorce and after at my sister's birthday party (the worst night of my life). And I never helped you out or asked if you were ok. And now... your gone forever. I'll never be able to talk to you again. Not in person. So to pay you back for everything you did for me while you were alive, I'm going to try to write you a letter each day. Just in case your lonely up there in heaven. 

Happy Birthday!! By the way, I left your pesent on your grave. Gosh I can't get used to saying that, On YOUR grave. It just doesn't sound right to me. Ok so anyway I got the shirt with the flowers all over it, the one from Guess, that you wanted before you died. It was the last one in your size and I had to practicaly fight Lindsy Pajo for it. Do you remember her? She's the one that called you fat Freshmen Year, you were not fat by the way you were size small, that is not fat. 

I'm going to start Junior year this year, I wish you were going to start it with me. Well my sister, Kaitlyn, and her friends threw a party this week, She'a a 14 year old brat, you should see her now, Sabrina. She dresses like a total slut. I miss my old little sister, the one that used to climb in bed with me when my mom and dad were fighting. Sabrina I wish you were here so you could tell me what to do. 

Why did you have to die?!?! Why did you have to get murdered by that creep?!?!  

I miss you so much!  

Best Friends Forever, 

Amber Gates

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