Jisung - Sky

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You were finally back home after a long plane ride from Korea. You got home very early in the morning due to the time difference.

" I made it home! But I already miss you"  you text your boyfriend, Jisung. As soon as the "read" message appeared your phone started ringing. It was Jisung calling.

Hey! Why are you calling?

You said you missed me! I miss you too!

I'll be flying back in a month, but that seems like sooooo far away

I may have something that'll help with that. Go outside.

Outside? Okay...

Are you out there?

Yeah, why am I out here?

Look up. Although we are apart we still are looking at the same moon and stars.

Aweeee, Jisung that was so sweet, but...


It's daylight here...you must've forgot about the time difference!

Oh my goodness! Do you know how long it took me to come up with that? Frick. Uhhh, we are always looking at the same sky? It's not as cute but it works.

It's the thought that counts...I love you!

I love you too! And I can't wait to see you again! One month needs to hurry up!!

I'll call you back when it's your morning  okay?

Okay, byeeeeee

Bye! Sleep tight!

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