Jisung - Cliché

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"I have 10 minutes left until Jisung picks me up!" I thought to myself while still figuring out what shoes to wear. I finally choose a pair and saw I still had 5 minutes left. I ran over to my mirror to make sure my outfit matched, my hair looked good, and make sure I didn't look look like a nervous wreck.

*ding ding*

"Ahh, he's here." I thought while grabbing my bag, "Please don't make a fool of yourself." Was your last thought before opening your door revealing your crush, Jisung.

"Dang, on a scale of 1 to 10, you're looking like a 9 and I'm the 1 you need." He said before winking at me.

"How did I ever agree to go on a date with you?" I questioned him jokingly.

"I dont know, but let's not think about it for too long or else you may realize it's a mistake." He said while grabbing my wrist and dragging me to his car.

We jammed to some songs on the way to the movie theatre and every once in a while, he would turn down the music to have a conversation.

"Look all I'm saying is if Rose would've moved over Jack could've survived!" He stated turning into the theatre's parking lot.

"I'll admit there was room for two people on it, BUT if he would've got on then it would've sunk and they both would've died. It's call buoyancy." I said, proving him wrong.

"Whatever, you're wrong, I'm right, we're here." He said getting out of the car. He quickly ran to my side and opened my door too.

"Wow, such a gentleman!" I said while lightly punching his shoulder.

"Okay let's hurry so we can get some good seats!" He said while grabbing my wrist once again and running to the ticket booth. Once we got inside of the theatre and got our snacks, we went and choose seats dead center of the room.

"Are you excited to see this movie?" He asked me while opening up his box of candy.

"Heck yeah! I've been waiting to watch this ever since the trailer came out like 10 months ago!" I responded, taking a sip of my overpriced soda. The lights dimmed down and the movie started playing. I was so immersed in the film that I barely noticed when mine and Jisung's hands touched in the popcorn.

"Hey," He whispered. I was ready for him to say his usual flirty lines, but, "get your greasy hands out of my popcorn." I rolled my eyes and he laughed while motioning for me to take some more. About half way through the movie, Jisung lightly pokes my shoulder and when I look at him he does a terrible fake yawn and puts his arms up like he's stretching, just to have his left arm land over my shoulder.

"Wow, so smooth." I said sarcastically. He laughed along with me. I think I'm starting to fall for this guy and his stupid antics.

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