Jeongin - Stormy Night

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I am currently underneath at least three blankets, choking the living daylights out of my stuffed animal, plugging my ears and shutting my eyes as hard as possible to try to forget the raging storm outside my window. I hate hate HATE bad weather.

I see my phone light up through my closed eyes and see a news notification stating that this terrible storm is now a tornado. Great. I grab my items and start heading to the only room with no windows: my bathroom. Just as I get off the couch, the lights go out. Perfect right?


"OH MY GOSH!" I scream giving away that I am inside my house.

"Y/N! Hurry up and open the door!" I hear muffled behind my door mixed with the thunder.

"Jeongin?!" I whisper to myself running to open the door. "What the heck are you doing here?!" I ask while pulling him inside.

"You hate storms and I knew you were here by yourself so I thought..." he started when the tornado sirens started wailing. "Bathroom. Now," he said firmly while grabbing the stuff I dropped on the floor. I am frozen in place out of fear. Jeongin throws the items in the bathroom and grabs my wrist leading us to the bathroom.

"It's going to be fine," is all I hear while sitting on my tiled floor, bawling my eyes out. I didn't even realize I was trembling until he held my hand to steady it.

"Be completely honest with me..." he starts as he turns his phone's flashlight on. "Who is cuter? Me or (stuffed animal)?"

I reply by grabbing my stuffed animal and holding it close to my chest. I was about to respond when another loud clap of thunder cut me off. I feel like I'm about to puke and I guess my face showed it.

"Hey, hey, hey," Jeongin starts, "look at me. It's just a sound. I know it's loud and it's scary, but it's just a sound. You know what else is just a sound?"

*cue the most weird noise you can imagine Jeongin making in this moment lol*

I freeze. Then I burst out laughing.

"How did you even make that noise?! It's not human!" I say in between my fits of laughter.

"See! One sound makes you cry and another makes you laugh. Crazy isn't it?!" he responds while grabbing his phone off of the sink. "What's even crazier is that people put sounds together to make words, then words into sentences that can make you laugh. Here is a show of my favorite 'sounds,'" he says while pulling up Netflix. He pulls me in close, so close my ear is filled with the sound of his heartbeat and nothing else. He's right, this show is hilarious; I'm so captivated I don't jump at the next clap of thunder or even realize the sirens have faded. In fact I was so calm, I fell asleep right there and didn't realize it until the lights came back on. I look over to see Jeongin being woken up by the same thing.

"I didn't realize I fell asleep," I said and was about to apologize until he cut me off with a wave of his hand.

"I'm just glad I got you to calm down enough for you to actually fall asleep." He said just before turning off the bathroom light. "Oh no!" He said sarcastically. "Power is out again and we should stay in here just to be safe." he continues as he lays back down on the bathroom tile next to me.

"I 100% agree since that is the only responsible option here." I response moving closer to him.

He started the show again and we drifted back to sleep on the very cold, uncomfortable bathroom floor. Perfect right?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2022 ⏰

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