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Intercom: I need ace and ela in my office now

Ace: ela wake up

Ela: Whyyy

Ace: I'll see what six needs then tell you

It's been two weeks since I asked ela two marry me. She has been rather lazy compared to her chaotic life before.

Mask: you needed me

Six: where is ela

Mask: she's sleeping in, the baby is kicking, making her loose sleep

Six: well I wanted to say that we have a few houses open on base. We would you like one

Mask: yes ma'am

Ela walked into the office looking like she hasn't slept in a few days

Mask: sorry for waking you

Ela: it's ok babe

Six: ela me and ace talked it out and you will now have a private house on base

Ela: thank you so much, what could I do to repay you

Six: you have kept him alive, that's all I ask for

Mask: ok well o have one more question six

Six: what is it

Mask: I would like to go back to ela's home town to have our wedding. Don't say were it is tho

Six: you may go, but make sure that you two are going to be ok

Ela: thank you six.

Six: your welcome

Mask: six I glad i came back

Six: I'm glad your back to, you have saved ela multiple time

Mask: that is the least I can do, she is all I needed to let me open up to at least one person

Six: ace step out for a second please

I step out and play with my pistol some. Ela Stepped out the room.

Ela: let's go get some food

Mask: I have to talk to Monika about my gadget, it's malfunctioning

Ela: if I hear something happens between you two. I'll kill you

Mask: I wouldn't do anything, I love you too much to hurt you

I knock on iq dorm door. She emerged from the side of the door

Iq: what do you want

Mask: I need help with my gadget, it's malfunctioning

Iq: come in. I'll help you

I walk in, removed my wrist monitor.

Mask: it has been turning on and off randomly

Iq: what I can do for you is change some of the wires around and that should reset it fully the make it last for five minutes rather that thirty second.

Mask: thank you for you help

Iq: I have a question for you

Mask: what is that

Iq: why do you not like me

Mask: I like you as a friend but as of now ela is the one I want to be with

Iq: that s all I wanted to know. Have a good day ace

Mask: you to Monika

I make my way back to the dorm. I see that ela is asleep so I start packing mine and her stuff. After I finish packing I decide to just lay down next to her and get some sleep.

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