the day off

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When I woke up ela wasn't there next to me so I put on my outfit that I have used for the past two missions but the vest and ela still has the jacket I guess. I decide to take blaze on a walk to the cliff where I always go, so I grab my second jacket because I didn't want to have to go find ela then get the jacket, I put a leash on blaze and we went out for a walk.

As I made my way to the cliff that I sit on i thought about people like hailey, ela, Monika. Speak of the devil, Hailey called me.

Hailey: where are you

Text: at base, I decided to stay here but dont go start a war without me


text: I did, but something came up so I decided I'll stay here, but if something happens there I'll fly out there

Hailey: why would you Tourcher me like that

Text: you haven't seen Tourcher yet, now I have to go

I hung up the call then went to the cliff and sat there for hours.

Time skip

I have been sitting out on the edge of the cliff but I have a feeling that I'm being watched.

Ela: hey ace, thanks for the jacket

Ace; I'm going to need that one back

Ela: why

Ace: it's a part of this uniform, I'll give you another one

Ela: I'll give it back later

Ace: ok, why are you out here

Ela: I was looking for you

Ace: yeah, I just needed some time to clear my head

Ela: do you want to head back to base, it's cold out here

Ace: that s the UK for you, sure let's go

I stand up then start making my way with ela to the base. As I'm walking ela was latched onto me and wouldn't let go. I stoped trying to get out of that situation but at the same time I didn't. Once we got to the base the first thing I did was go to the dorm.

Ela: what do you want to do

Ace: well I would like my jacket, then I'm going to eat

Ela: I hope you know the only reason you getting this back is because it's your uniform

Ace: I'll let you pick another one later, let's go eat

Ela: ok let's go

With that being said she grabs my hand and pulls me out of the room and we walk to the cafeteria.

Ela: so ace, what was life like over the year you didn't come to base.

Notepad: not alot, I focused on my gadget, and killing people. The normal

Ela: well, what did you change on your gadget

Notepad: well now I have an active camo, i go invisible to anyone for 30 seconds and have to wait 10 before doing it again

Ela: cool can I see it

Notepad: umm sure

I stand up and pull a wrist monitor, with a few taps I go completely invisible so I decide to try and scare ela by standing up and walk behind her

Ela: it's been thirty seconds, where did you go

I just tap her shoulder, she let out a little yelp

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