The first mission.

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Intercom: May I have operators blitz, ash, IQ, zofia , and ace to the briefing room NOW.

Ace: IQ wake up

Monika: Whyyy

Ace: we have a mission let's go

Monika:Fine give me five minutes to get changed

Ace: ok I'll be at the briefing room

Monika: ok

Ace left and went to the briefing room

Six: Ace where is IQ

Notepad: changing

Six: always her be late ace in just going to brief you all then brief her

Ace nodded

Six: I'm there is 22 white mask in a bank with no hostage, bomb, or secure area. But there are rooms full of nitro cells, and two are fitted with bomb vest so be careful you have 1 hour then a plane will pick you up.

Everyone but ace: yes six

Back at there room

Ace: monika

Monika:Yeah what's up

Ace: Six told me to tell you what the mission was

Monika: ok

Time skip brought to you by ace tell Monika about the mission

Jäger: ok you got a mission to do go

Zofia: Why do we have to work with him.

She pointed at you

Ash: Lets get this mission done then you two can fight

As they entered the back they were met with gun fire

Ace: 'wisper' Monika tell them to back up grenade out

Monika: grenade out get down

W/M: help i *cough* can't breath

You heard a thud

Monika: seven down fifteen left

Ash:let's split up me zofia and blitz. IQ and ace that way

Monika: Ok

They went deffrent ways

Monika: 5 down here 10 left

Ash:8 down here two left

Zofia: make that one

Monika: Any Ideas of were there at.


Ace pushes her out the door just in time to take the suicide bomber

Monika: ACE no no don't die on me.

Ace: mission *spits up blood* done

Ace blacks out due to blood loss

Monika: We need medical evacuation ace is critical

Ash, Monika and blitz carry ace out of the building. Zofia is but chucking about your situation.

Time skip brought to you by a lazy writer

Doc: Monika he will live but is in a coma and might not wake up for weeks.

Monika: are you sure he will wake up

Doc: not 100 percent sure but all we can do is hope and pray.

Doc walked out

Monika: Why ace, come on wake up

The seals bond (rainbow six siege x male reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora