Valentines day special

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Finn woke up and looked over at Maeve, still asleep. Finn slowly got up and went downstairs to the kitchen. He looked through the fridge to see what they had. There wasn't much so he got dressed to leave but the twins woke up. So he got them ready and took them with him to the store. He had Mia strapped to his chest and Eli in his seat in front of him. Finn saw a box of chocolate and flowers so he had to get those. He walked around, finding what he needed and a few outfits for the twins to wear. 

"Are they yours?" An older woman stopped Finn as he was looking at some wine for dinner.


"Twins? They're so cute!" Finn nodded,

"Yeah, Mia and Eli."

"Is their mother around?"

"She's at home. We're setting up breakfast for her."

"So sweet. My husband is at home, so I'm buying him chocolates this year." Finn's phone went off,

"It's my girlfriend." The older woman smiled and waved.

"Enjoy your day with her and your kids."

"Thank you." Finn answered the phone, "Hello baby."

"Did you take the kids?"

"Yeah. They woke up before I went to the store so I took them with me."

"Ok. Why did you go to the store?"

"I just needed some stuff to make breakfast and I got them really cute outfits."

"Awesome! Are you on the way home?"

"Will be in the minute. Just go to pay then I'll be on my way home. I'm gonna change the twins before I come in."

"Well, I wanted to tell you something when you get home."

"Ok. Let me go so I can get home faster."

"Alright see you soon." They hung up. Finn checked out and went back to the car. He strapped the twins in then packed up the trunk. He quickly drove home and parked. Finn found the outfits and quickly changed the twins. He carried the twins in with the bags.

"Maeve, we're back." Maeve came down the stairs and grabbed the twins from Finn and put them down.

"Put the bags down." Finn slowly placed the bags down. "Open your gift." Finn took the bag from Maeve and peaked inside.

"No." Finn fully opened it and saw the pregnancy test, "Baby number three?"


"That pushes everything back. We should do a small wedding now and get it over with then do a big wedding when the baby is born."

"Or we can just stay engaged until the baby is born. We don't have to get married before baby number three, as long as you're here with me, we're all good." Maeve leaned up and kissed Finn.

"Now how about we make some breakfast?"

"Sounds good." Finn and Maeve walked into the kitchen and started to make food. The twins followed by crawling to the gate and pulling themselves up. "Look at them." Maeve pointed at the twins.

"I'm glad I got to see that. Monday, it's back to work and I'll miss you and the kids. You'll have to tell me when you're going to the doctors so I can join you."

"I will. I will also send you pictures for when I announce that we're pregnant." Maeve kissed Finn.

"I'm so excited." Finn finished cooking breakfast, making a small plate for the twins.

By the end of the day, Finn and Maeve were snuggled under the blanket, a romantic comedy playing on the tv and the twins in between them. 

"Today has been amazing. I'm glad you were home today."

"Me too." Finn kissed Maeve before laying down next to Eli. "My little guy is going to be a wrestler like his daddy and uncle Joe." Finn grabbed Eli's hand and made it look like he was flexing.

"Too cute. Let's get them to bed and go to sleep."

Finn and Maeve placed the twins in their cribs before going to bed.  

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