Chapter 11

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~November ~

Maeve sat in her office, watching the twins sleep as she got some work done.

"Hey babe, I'm home." Finn said as he entered the office.

"I would have never guessed. How was Europe?"

"Beautiful. When the twins are a little older, I want them to go there together with us. Little family vacation with Bryan of course. Maybe when he graduates college we can go."

"Sounds good to me. Since you are home, wanna watch the kids while I go visit Joe in the hospital?"

"You haven't seen him in a while have you?"

"Nope. I don't want to get the kids sick and I don't want to get him sick either."

"Alright. Are you bringing him a bowl of your soup?"

"I want to but I don't have the stuff to make it. Since you'll be home for a bit, I can make it tomorrow. By the way, I'm making dinner for Lina and the kids tomorrow. How does penne al vodka sound?"

"Italian but good." Finn kissed her head as she wrapped her arms around him.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too. Here's my jacket." Finn slipped his jacket off and placed it on Maeve. "You can keep this one. I swear."

"You said that last time then I had to overnight it to you for your match the next night."

"I swear!" Finn laughed, "You can keep it. I brought another one. I have one that matches my outfit for each match." Finn kissed Maeve all over her face, causing her cute, little giggles to come alive.

"Stop! I have to get ready to visit Joe."

"You're in your pjs still?"

"Yup. I didn't get dressed because I wasn't going any where any time soon. I'm just going to wear a shirt and jeans." A small cry was heard and Maeve groaned a little. "And Mia is up."

"I'll go get her." Finn went off to the twins' room and picked up Mia. He wrapped her in her blanket and rocked her to sleep. Maeve stepped into the room and kissed Mia's head. Finn placed Mia back into her crib and looked at Eli. "He didn't wake up?"

"Nope. He sleeps deep so I don't expect him to wake up when Mia cries." Maeve walked out of the room and into her and Finn's room. She went through her closet and picked out her outfit for visiting Joe.

"You going to just change in front of me then leave me?"

"I didn't tell you to sit there while I got changed." Maeve finished pulling on her shirt before turning to look at Finn. "I'll be gone for about two hours. I promise. When the twins wake up, there's bottles in the fridge. Put them on for 20 seconds to warm them up and make sure it isn't hot. If you need help, Marcy, who lives next door, she can come give you a hand. Her number is on the fridge. I love you." Maeve gave Finn a kiss before walking out the door.

After a short car ride to the hospital, Maeve checked in as a visitor and went up to Joe's room.

"Hey." Joe looked at Maeve,

"Hey good looking." Maeve walked in and sat next to him.

"How are you?"

"As good as I can be."

"So when are we running away to Ireland?"

"I thought we were going to Samoa?"

"I can never keep up." Joe smiled, "So what have I missed?"

"Uhm, Seth and Dean are fighting on RAW. Everyone is wishing you well and praying for you."

"So nothing new."


"Did you bring me the soup?"

"Nope. I'm sorry. Finn is home now. Where's Lina?"

"She had work. Has Finn propose yet?"

"Nope. I think he wants to do it soon but I think he's going to wait until our one year."

"But you guys just got together. Your one year is next year."

"I mean our one year of being bonded together. Which is New Year's eve."

"So when are you bringing the twins to see me?"

"When the doctors say it's ok for babies to be here."

"Then can we plan our trip to Samoa?"

"Yes. When you are cleared to travel."

Meanwhile, Finn was sitting on the couch, relaxing. He had eyes on the twins until there was a knock on the door. He got up and answered it.

"Hi! Is Maeve home?"

"No she went out to visit a friend. Who are you?"

"I'm Marcy. She told you about me right?"

"Yeah. The twins are still napping right now."

"That's fine. I'm just here to clean her office."

"She didn't say that you were coming over."

"Oh. I can come back later when she's home."

"Ok. I'll let her know that you stopped by." Marcy walked away and Finn shut the door. The twins woke up from the door shutting, causing Finn to moan. He walked up stairs to their room and pick up Mia and change her diaper before going to Eli. He placed Eli in the baby carrier and brought the two of them down to the kitchen. He went into the fridge and pulled out the bottles and put them in for a few seconds. Once they were done, he made sure that it wasn't too hot before giving it to the twins. 

Finn sat on the couch and watched the twins lay on their backs watching the little animals swing above them. 

"Hello love." Finn turned to see Maeve walk in with bags. "I got food. Also Joe wants to go Samoa when he's better. We were invited."

"That's nice. So when are going to Ireland?"

"My dad is planning for us to go during January since Bryan is out for the month and the twins will be able to travel."

"Is he renting us a place?"


"By the way, Marcy stopped by earlier, said she had to clean your office."

"Oh. Yeah, she does that when there's a car that she doesn't recognize in the drive way. I didn't know you were coming home so she didn't know either."

"Ok. So she knows what car I drive now." Finn grabbed the bags from Maeve and brought them into the kitchen. "You got the stuff!"

"Yeah, Joe begged me so I picked it up but I know that you wanted some so I'm making a big pot of it. I'm gonna send some over to him then store whatever is left over." Finn kissed Maeve's head before going to get the twins.

"How were they?"

"Good. I gave them the bottles after they woke up and I warm them up. And after survivor series, I'm all yours." Finn kissed Maeve again.

"So do you still have that problem?" Maeve asked, biting her lip.

"Yeah but I can wait until the twins go to bed."

"Good." Maeve got started on her soup because the sooner she gets started, the sooner she can get the twins to bed and Finn tied up. 

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