Chapter 13

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Finn sat on the bed, while Maeve wrapped his ribs. "Thank you babe."

"You're welcome. You should really try to bulk up a little."

"No, I just gotta up my work out."

"Whatever you say, love. I am excited for wrestle mania. All of the kids together, watching their dad doing what he loves."

"You're bringing the twins?"

"Yeah. I already booked the hotel room and Bryan will be coming with us. I'm driving up so you can join me in the car."

"I will so we can drive together. I'll drive so you can sleep and care for the twins."

"Half way we can switch." 

"Yeah." Finn looked at Maeve, "Are you ok love?"

"Not really."

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know. It feels like everything is crashing down on me and I can't stop it."

"How long have you been feeling this way?"

"Since October. I didn't say anything because I wanted you to focus on work and I needed to be there for the twins and help Bryan get ready for school."

"Do you think this is postpartum? Or your normal depression?"

"I really don't know. I haven't felt like this since my mom died."

"What did you and your mom do when you felt like this?"

"We would cuddle and watch movies with tea."

"Pick a movie. I'm gonna call Joe and see if he'll watch the twins for the night. I'll order some take out and we'll watch movies. It will be our stay in date night."

"You're so sweet. Honestly, I just want to cuddle with you while our babies sleep next to us." Finn nodded and pulled out his phone,

"What take out do you want?"

"I'm not sure?"

"What do you want to eat right now?"

"You." Maeve mumbled under her breath,

"What was that?" Maeve blushed,

"I said Chinese."

"I heard you. I wanted you to say it louder. We'll work it out after dinner."

"Ok." Finn ordered dinner, "Hey babe?"


"I want to go see a therapist."

"Ok. Just for yourself or do you want to go together? I thought we were doing good."

"Just for myself. We are doing good. I haven't seen a therapist since my mom died."

"Maeve, you miss your mom, don't you?"

"Kind of. She was there for Bryan, now she isn't here for the twins. She would of loved them."

"I know, love. We're moving into the big house soon so we can put up some pictures of her around the house. And we can go visit her with the twins."

"What did I do to deserve you?"

"You slept with me and got pregnant with my twins. That's what you did."

"You're too sweet. Pun intended."

"I love you Maeve." (Is this their first time saying I love you? I'm not sure anymore)

"I love you too Fergal." Finn kissed Maeve's head, "When you get back with the food, I'll show you my pintrest board for the wedding."

"We're waiting for the twins to be old enough to be our ring bearer and flower girl right?"

"Yeah." Finn left to pick up the food when Mia cried out. Maeve got up and went to check on her. "Hey, it's ok. Momma's here." Mia stopped crying as Maeve picked her up.

"Ooh, someone's got a stinky booty." Maeve laid Mia down to change her when a dark thought flowed through her head. She shook it from her head and continued her duty. Once Mia was changed, Maeve rocked her back to sleep. She kissed Mia's head before laying her down.

Finn arrived home to find Maeve laying down on the bed with a marker in her hand and pictures on her leg.

"What are you doing?"

"I had a bad thought so I'm drawing on myself to feel better."

"What happened?" Maeve explained what went through her head while Finn was gone, "Tomorrow, you are going to the spa for a day to yourself. I'll take care of the twins so you can take a day for yourself. You deserve it." Finn kissed Maeve,

"You're too good to me."

"I'm not good enough for you, my queen. I try hard to seem too good to you."

"Fergal, you will always be good enough to me even when you don't feel like it."

Finn and Maeve laid on the bed and ate, they fell asleep , wrapped in each other's embrace and warmth.

*Hi I suck keeping this updated. I'm also in college and doing college things so I can go to a nice college for psychology. Also to make you aware, Maeve has something called Oppositional defiant disorder, which causes depression and anxiety and people to act out when challenged. I am one of those people who has it and want people to know about it.

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