dying Justin

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It's febuary 13th the day before Valentine's day I'm 22 and my boyfriend is 20 he is Shawn Mendes I live in Los Angeles with him I'm a model my best friend is Justin bieber he is 24 years old and married to the girl I hate the most I can't stand her attitude and she's one of the fakest people I've ever met

She only cares about herself and her bieber surname her "husband" is physically dying and she doesn't give two shits Justin moved in with me last week and has been in hiding and wont tell anyone not even hailey wear he is

I'm wearing (pic above #1) I was downstairs with Shawn when I got this feeling my heart sank "something's wrong" I started freaking out and panicking "what what's wrong" Shawn asks "justin" I screamed and ran up the steps to Justin's room he wasn't in there "Justin, where are you, Justin" I screamed the bathroom the door was locked "Justin open the door now" he wouldn't open it "Justin open it" I screamed I knocked down the door Justin was trying to open the Xanax bottle but he couldn't "Justin" I forced it out of his hands and they went everywhere Justin broke down in tears "help me, please help me someone help me" he started shaking I started crying "justin" I grabbed him "Justin" "Justin look at me" I said he looked up "leave her" "I can't" "why not" "I lied to God I lied" he said "you have to Justin she's destroying you I know you don't want to" "I do want to I don't love her I never did" he told me "then leave her, leave her for good expose her and make her pay whatever you want just please go get help, professial help you're scaring me" he wrapped his arms around me and broke down in tears I hugged him and also broke down in tears

When we stopped crying he told me a lot and opened up about how scooter set this up to help haoleys career and how he went along with it because Hailey was the safe option and the easiest way to get his dream after Selena broke up with him and that he was addicted to Xanax again and he was losing weight and he was really married to Hailey but he never loved her and never wanted to be with her and he felt bad because he already broke her he didn't want to look like an add and break her again

I just listened "did you get a prenup" I asked he nodded "the first thing you do is delete everything and divorce her expose her career and who she really is go away for 2 years get treatment get you back come out with a bomb ass album dissing her and fight for the girl that you always loved but the most important thing is you"

I called 5 different treatment places and got Justin in at one in Texas he gave me his phone and said don't tell anyone where I'm at okay and I told him okay and I took him to the place at 2 in the morning with his clothes

1 month later
Justin has been gone for a while I get updates from the place everything week for his progress and he's eating more and hes not shaking and panicking as much and I'm on Ellen wearing (pic above #2) I'm engaged Justin and Shawn picked out the ring before he went to the treatment center

"Please welcome 22 year old Austin Blake" Ellen announced I walked out we hugged and then sat down"hi how are you" "good" "you've been on countless of maginzes and you have a new song out and your personal life is very out and open so how is it your engaged" "Yes I am Shawn and Justin picked out the ring before he went to the treatment center and Shawn proposed on Valentine's day and I couldn't be happier" "how is Justin by the way" "he's good he's happy in this moment in his life he scared me for a while there but he's doing a lot better"

"Is he married is he single everyone thinks he is single" "He is single, you knoe i think in his mind he was never married because he didnt love her and he was on drugs the whole marriage and its 100 percent not his fault at all" "and do you think it's haileys fault" " not all of it is her fault, now some of it is her fault she knew that he was vulnerable,afraid and broken when she reached out to him and he went for the safer easier option, but it's also scooters fault because when Justin and Selena broke up he set Hailey to him, Hailey sat in her 13 million dollar mansion that Justin paid for smiling living a fansty when her husband was dying inside and out his body was shutting down he was on the verge of dying and she didn't care or even know exactly what to do because not many people knew what to do"

"Did you know what to do" "yes because I saw this before when him and selena broke up in 2013 he went to Hailey because she was the easier safe option she did everything he said, he said jump she said how high she was truely like his puppet now it's way worse then before though

Justin was released shawn and got married in front of our families and friends

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