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Filming in my filming room wearing pic above these are fake embarrassing stories except Ethans

"Hey guys welcome back to my I have some guest well okay I moved to L.A. and I met some people okay so ready I have emma Chamberlain *she sits next to me* "and what's an Emma without her ethan" we started laughing ethan sat next to her "that was actually so good" james said "James you (fucking) *bleeping* ruined it..and I know" I yelled "the makeup king wait queen James Charles" he sat next to me with a space in between "Oh and than finally the man of mine and James's (kinky ass) *bleep bleep* dreams we cracked up laughing "Ethan times 2 but much hotter and funnier Grayson dolan" Grayson sat next to me

"Okay so that long fucking intro took forever...but today I'm am joining the fabulous sister squad for our most embarrassing stories ever

but first I want to clarify that I am not dating Ethan if you are wondering why I'm wearing his playboy sweatshirt is because if was in Graysons closet and his dumb ass spilled orange juice all over my white shirt Okay so Whos going first" I looked at grayson "I'm not going first you go first" "I'll go first emma said"

"Okay so I was the lead in the school musical because I thought it would be fun but the costuje was fucking weird and I had to stuff the top with cotton balls to make my tits look good right. Before the show was starting, I noticed my crush and a lot of his super-hot friends sitting in the front row. Right before I went onstage, I decided to extra-stuff my costume to make my tits even bigger. But later, when it was time for me to do my main dance number, I did a cartwheel across the stage, and all the cotton balls started tumbling out! Everyone was laughing so hard, including the gut liked! I was so embarrassed, I ran off the stage crying and I left school."
Emma finished reading her embarrassing story

"I'll go okay this is about a period, just warning you all, I think i told Grayson this"

"Okay so When I was in middle school like 6th grade, my stepmom forced me to be on the swim team right"

"yeah you told me this"
"Right so I was fucking like 12. I wasn't allowed to wear fucking tampons sorry boys anyway So every month i faught with my stepmom over whether or not I had to go to practice. one practice she wouldn't let me fucking skip i was pissed first of all and second Im not wearing a Fucking pad in the water so I didn't wear anythinh and when I got out of the fucking water, there was blood running down my fucking legs in front of everyone including the guy that I liked. I fucking cried for an hour in the bathroom and I quit the swim team" "that's so terrible i honestly feel so bad for you" james said " now I don't fucking care cuz I'm 17"

"Okay my turn okay this is awful" James said

"I was sleeping over at a friend's house one night where we were having pizza I love pizza but I'm lactose intolerant was starving, I don't think this family eats as much as mine does. Anyway, it sent me running for the bathroom, where I spent a good 10 minutes while the family cleaned up dinner...and then they took me home.
I found out about a week later that not only did I clog their toilet...the amount of toilet paper and poop burst a pipe on its way down. This pipe was conveniently located in their kitchen wall, where sh*t then came seeping through. MY sh*t. A week before selling their house." We laughed so hard

"Okay so Grayson and I were doing that anual naked snow run and we ran up one of the snow mounds that the plower plowed and i just so happen to slip and fall...i cut my ass and couldn't sit down for two weeks" Ethan tells us we laughed

"I don't have an embarrassing story" Grayson says "yes you do" I said He looked at me confused I gave him that look he looks at the camera

"Oh I was with a friend watching a movie when I got a.........boner and......then eth walked in and saw me jerking off because this friend wouldn't help me get rid of it"

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