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A/N In this part both Sang and her stepmother are speaking Elvish but since they understand each other i wrote it in English, there will be Elvish speak during this book but i will bring in translations. Also those who are waiting on my other updates for 'Freeing Our Bird' i am currently rewriting the chapters as i'm not happy at how that all turned out and for 'Cirque Du Academy' i currently hit writers block for that so until i have finished rewriting 'Freeing Our Bird' i will not leave you hanging so therefor will be updating this story in the mean time, the chapters will be a little shorter compared to 'Freeing Our Bird' but hopefully you enjoy it enough to forget about it. Also i apologise for any spelling errors and if i happen to use words you aren't use to blame it on my Scottish-ness 

3,000 years ago....

''P-please...don't do this'' I begged as my stepmother dragged me across the darkened room, my hair gripped tightly in her hands.

''Shut up!'' My stepmother screeched as she threw my body to the ground several feet from the only window in the tower I had been dragged too, i wasn't sure exactly what was happening but i was certain i would not be making it out of this tower.

''I may not be able to kill your worthless self but i will make you wish i did''

My stepmothers cold words were like a slap to my face, why was she doing this? i had done everything she demanded, she had locked me away in the Kingdom on the day my father, The King, passed away suddenly when i was only 8 winters old, she took role as acting Queen until i became of age to rule myself.

I counted down the days till my freedom, ruling as Queen of my people would no longer leave me at the mercy of my stepmothers punishments, she would have no control over me or my people. Everything had been put into preparations for my crowning tomorrow when my stepmother offered to take me on a stroll, i was more then eager considering i had spent my years locked away. If i had been less eager i may have noticed her cold look, i may have asked myself 'why now?' but it was too late.

The sound of metal shuffling around brought me from my thoughts as i stared wide eyed at my stepmother as she held chains in her long fingered hands. I went to scurry away to try and make a run for it but just as the thoughts entered my mind my stepmother was already on top of me and went i let out a scream that would go unheard from anyone outside this room i was met with a harsh slap from my stepmothers hand before she viciously gripped one of my own hands and shackled it in the cold steel.

''Pl-please!''I begged again tears falling like rivers down my cheeks as i tried to kick my body away from her but my petite frame was nothing against her larger frame the straddled my waist.

''SHUT UP!''She screeched in my ear her eyes filled with nothing but anger as she attached the chain that held one of my wrists against a small pillar i had not noticed was behind me.

It wasn't until she got my other wrist shackled did i realise what was happening. As soon as both my wrists had been locked in i felt my power halting and my heart raced against my rib cage as i realised what she was doing....she was binding me.

Chain binding had once been used on prisoner's my father had outlawed them when he took reign, the chains were enchanted to freeze the prisoners body, stopping them from doing anything other than closing and opening their eyes, unable to even use the power that flowed in their veins. My father was a kind man and had deemed them horrible even on the use of prisoner's.

The thing about these chain's was when they were attached to their victim it would stop their ageing and they would be left unable to do anything as time passed by never giving their victim even the gift of death, most people became crazy in their own minds as they were left to rot in the dungeons with nothing but their own mind to keep them company.

Why would she do this too me? why won't she just kill my instead?

My body had became numb to me, i wanted to scream, to move even just a finger but i couldn't, sadly my tears would still fall as i looked pleadingly at my stepmother to stop this, to unchain me but cruel satisfied look in her eyes told me this was exactly what she wanted.

Moving away from me she gave herself a nod satisfied with her work as she took in my small chained up form.

''I kept you around all those years only because i knew the people of the land would have rebelled against me if their poor...innocent...princess...''She spat those three words out as though they were venom to her tongue.'' Was taken from them like their good king, i got away with his murder but i was smart enough not to take your life as well, it would be all to suspicious if you were killed...'' She slowly leaned closer to me a smirk on her lips as she slowly traced her fingers along my long strands of blonde hair.

''So i figured if the much beloved princess simply went missing it would be better for my favour...i can't risk killing you and having your body found so i decided out of the kindness of my heart to simply let you stay hidden away in this tower...'' She paused for a second her smirk growing darker on her face.''I do wonder how long it will take before your mind finally cracks''

With those last words and one last tug of my ankle length hair she turned her back to me and left.

Just like that i was left in a room that's only light came from the window in front of me unable to move, unable to do even but let my tears fall through my eyes before i closed them to welcome the darkness.

Will i be forgotten? left alone forever in this tower? will no one look for me? How long will my mind survive this torment before it cracked?

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