Ch. 11 Perfect in his own way

Começar do início

Ladybug walked up to him and looked at his ring.

"So it's fixed now right?" Ladybug asked.

Cat noir nodded and smiled.

"It's back to normal, so your stuck with me again," He Said

"I think I can live with that," Ladybug Said. Ladybug was quiet for a moment.

"M'lady, is something wrong?" He asked

"Cat Noir, I need to tell you something," She said

"What is it?" He asked

"The other day... the kiss, it was to fix your miraculous. I had recently discovered that's what it would take to fix your miraculous,I'm sorry Cat Noir," she said

There was a silence between them.

"Well, if that's the case, I'm still grateful to you," Cat Noir Said

"Huh?" Ladybug said

"If that kiss is what fixed my miraculous, then you are what has now enabled me to continue my civilian life. You don't need to apologize for that," Cat Noir Said.

Ladybug looked at him and then averted his gaze. She turned around so her back was facing him.

"Let's start patrol shall we?" She said, then fling her yo-yo and took off into the night. Cat noir was still standing in the roof, confused by ladybugs reaction, but shook it out of his head and started patrol. Once they had finished, they met back up at the tower.

"So, um, There was no trouble on my side of patrol. How about you," Ladybug asked

"No, everything was Normal," Cat Noir Said, trying to figure out where ladybugs new attitude was coming from. She didn't normally act like this. What was going on?

"Well, I have to go. Goodnight cat noir," She said then left.

Cat noir watched her go, then after a few minutes decided to leave as well. But he wasn't going home. He was going to a certain bakers daughter.

Marinette had returned home and was currently banging her head in the desk. Before patrol. She had decided to be honest with Cat Noir. The kiss was only to save him, it meant nothing more, or so she kept changing to herself in her head. But things started to take a turn in her plans. After she had confessed to cat noir that the kiss was to save him, he was doing that chivalrous thing he always does and told her he was grateful. She had to turn around so he wouldn't have seen her blush!

"Tikki that kiss was just to save him right, it didn't mean anything more, right?"

"Well, what do you think marinette?" Tikki asked.

Marinette didn't respond. She didn't know what it meant. This would have been easier if Cat Noir wasn't so....

Kind, brave, selfless...

Perfect in his own way.

Marinette snapped her head up from her desk. She couldn't be thinking stuff like that. Just then there was a knock on the window. Marinette opened it and low and behold there was Cat Noir.

"Hey Mari," He said

"It's barely been a day and your already back?" Marinette teased

"What can I say? I couldn't stay away," He Said

Marinette let him in.

Her eye could t help but go to his ring. Cat noir caught her glance.

"It's nice to see it without worrying how many pads you have left before you turn into a cat," she said

Cat noir glanced down at his ring.

"Yeah, it's nice to talk to you without worrying about transforming," He Said

Marinette laughed

"So how did your first patrol with ladybug in a few weeks go?" Marinette asked. She wanted to know what he thought about her odd behaviour.

Cat noir now had a sad smile on his face.

"She told me that the kiss she had given me was to fix my miraculous. I'll admit, I was hopeful she had developed feelings for me, but I'm glad she was honest with me, even if it did hurt a little. Even so, I'm grateful. Without her, I'd still be a cat. Even if she never returns my feelings, I'll continue to love her until my last breath. She one of the best parts of my life," Cat Noir Said.

Marinette was silent.

"Well, who knows? Maybe in time she will return your feelings. After all, any girl would be lucky to have you. Aside from the fact you're a superhero, your kind, funny, brave, smart, athletic and so much more. Do tell me, was she acting strangely tonight?" She asked

"Yeah, She was, She wasn't looking me in the eye and kept her back turned to me," Cat Noir Said.

"Maybe She was Doing that so you wouldn't see the affect you have on her. Perhaps, there's a small, chance she was blushing and didn't want you to see?" Marinette said. There's was no chance, that was exactly what happened.

This seemed to brighten his mood.

"You think so?" Cat Noir asked.

"Let's live life on the paw-sitive side, shall we?" She said

Cat noir leaned closer to marinette

"Was that a pun?" He asked

"Maybe" She said.

Cat noir smiled.

"Thanks marinette," He Said

"I should get going, I'll see you soon mari," He Said then kisses her hand and left.

Marinette watched him go.

Yes, things would be easier if he wasn't so... so cat Noir.

But even so, she wouldn't change a thing.

A Lost KittyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora