Lead the Way

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Jimmy lurked at the end of the driveway as he waited for Brian to emerge from the house. Brian's cousin Elliot – he didn't care what Brian said, the son of Brian's dad's cousin was Brian's cousin – had arrived the night before and Brian was going to try and sneak out of the house alone. The front door slammed open and Brian stomped out of the house carrying his guitar case. The scowl on his face told Jimmy everything he needed to know about Brian's mood.

"Are we good to go?" Jimmy asked picking up his back pack and slinging it over his shoulder.

"No," Brian huffed, "we have to wait for Elliot." He curled his lip up as if he'd just tasted something horrible.

"Okay." Jimmy wasn't going to argue with fate. It was what it was. Brian wasn't grounded and he wasn't spending the summer scooping up baby poop. As far as he was concerned it was a win, even if cousin Elliot was going to be their permanent shadow.

The door, which had banged closed following Brian's violent assault on it, opened and Jimmy got his first look at Elliot. Scruffy Converse kicks, shorts, Alice in Chains t-shirt – cool. Black hair pulled back in a ponytail.... Wait, what? That was a high ponytail. A silky high ponytail, no doubt aided by the application of really good conditioner. Holy shit. Something was very wrong.

Jimmy leaned in confidingly to Brian, "Uh, Brian. Elliot's a girl!"

Brian scrunched his face up and gave him a strange look. "Duh! I know that, her mom is my dad's cousin." Of course Brian knew that but he couldn't have shared it with Jimmy?

Elliot joined them by the mailbox. "Elliot this is Jimmy, Jimmy this is Elliot." Brian scowled as he made the off hand introduction. Elliot wrinkled her rather cute little nose as she looked at Brian.

Jimmy gave her a little finger wave. "Hi Brian's cousin Elliot."

"He's – she's – not my cousin!" Brian and Elliot said in stereo. Well that was a positive, they agreed on something.

Jimmy tried, and failed, to raise his eyebrow. The result was a demented grimace that had Brian looking at him in confusion and Elliot watching him warily. Brian jerked his thumb out and said, "Let's go." Jimmy shrugged at Elliot and started after him.

"Hey Brian. Why did you say Elliot is boring?" Jimmy asked the question foremost in his mind. He was still shocked that Elliot had turned out to be a girl and a really pretty one at that. Elliot glared daggers at Brian's back as Jimmy offered her a sunny smile. She was tall for a girl but she still seemed tiny next to his own height. Her shiny ponytail swished around her shoulders as she looked about the neighbourhood as they walked. Jimmy wondered if it felt as soft as it looked. Would she let him touch it? Would it be creepy if he asked?

"Like I need to explain," Brian pouted and continued stamping along the street.

"Yeah because you're a regular ball of excitement aren't you Brian?" Elliot snapped at Brian. Jimmy frowned, oops, his question had pissed her off. Now was definitely not the time to touch her hair. It was beautiful, plus it was the exact same shade he wanted to dye his. Maybe she'd tell him what colour she used if he asked.

"You've got a boy's name but you're a girl," Jimmy pointed out as he loped along beside her. Brian was really powering along, his pace far quicker than his usual casual stroll.

Elliot's hair swished over her shoulder as she looked at Jimmy and raised an incredulous eyebrow. Damn, it must have been some kind of family trait. "Wow, really? What gave it away? My tits?"

Hmmmm, sarcasm. The sharp words coming from her perfect pink lips set in an angelic face were surprisingly hot. He wondered if she had a secret attraction to the scent of Axe body spray. He glanced at the back pack slung over his shoulder – should he reach for the Axe? - the idea of luring Elliot into his sex orbit was not unappealing.

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