23. Colima

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Human Name: Coralina Rubio Vela

Gender: Female

Age: 17 Years Old

Before Statehood: The Spanish first entered present-day Colima in 1522; the first settlement in the area was founded a year later. Throughout the years as a part of New Spain, Colima would lose territory over time from the creation of the Nueva Galicia in 1531 to becoming a part of Guadalajara in 1796. Upon the passage of the 1824 Constitution, Colima became an independent territory of Mexico, however, it was integrated as a part of Michoacán in 1837. Later in 1846, Colima became its own separate territory again. In 1856, Colima became a Mexican state.

Statehood: December 9, 1856 (23rd)

Hair Color: Lava Red (dyed from a reddish brown)

Eye Color: Soft Brown

Notable Traits: Long, wavy hair (sometimes it's braided). Naturally tan skin. Slightly short in height. Typically, she wears a white veil and dress with red stars along the lining. She has a Xoloitzcuintli (aka Mexican Hairless Dog) as a companion.

Favorite Foods/Drinks: Chilayo de Puerco (pork stew), Cuachala (chicken stew), Diabla Shrimp, Grilled Sailfish, Tuba (aka Palm Wine)

Favorites: Hammocks, Lime (color), Palm Trees, Pastorelas, Perros Cebados (sculptures)

Personality: Coy and Optimistic. She's a lovely woman who prefers to live in a quiet atmosphere. Rarely is she taken notice, but whenever she needs to be heard she won't hesitate to raise her voice; it's never a good thing to make her angry. Overall, she's usually in high spirits, especially around the winter holidays. On a side note, she's currently in a love triangle with Jalisco and Michoacán although she doesn't seem to show any interest in either suitor.


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