11. Querétaro

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Human Name: Santiago Arteaga Pérez

Gender: Male

Age: 21 Years Old

Before Statehood: The Spanish made the settlements, Querétaro and Huimilpan, between 1529 and 1531 after the Fall of the Aztec Empire. Santiago de Querétaro was later declared a city in 1655. Due to its strategic location as a route between valuable resources, the region became rich during Spanish rule. Unfortunately, the region had trouble holding onto that prosperity when it became a Mexican state in 1824. On a side note, the state was one of four states to stay loyal to Emperor Maximilian I during French rule of Mexico. 

Statehood: December 23, 1823 (11th)

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Slate Gray

Notable Traits: Tan skin. Slightly tall in height. Typically, he wears a blanket shirt and a pair of white wide pants. He wears a blue opal cross pendant. He has a blue salamander as a companion.

Favorite Foods/Drinks: Chivo Tapeado (aka 'Closed Goat'), Fruit Tamales, Huitlacoche Pudding (aka 'Corn Smut Pudding'), Nopales (cactus), Queretaro-Style Enchiladas

Favorites: Cleaning, Concheros (dance), Huapango (music), Noche de Leyendas (Night of Legends), Opals

Personality: Devout and Opulent. He's a capricious man whose loyalties swing with the security of his fortune. While he insists he stands on the moral high ground, his selfish tendencies tell otherwise. He may be at fault with his fancy, expensive tastes, he's quite entertaining with his overly dramatic gestures. On a side note, he and Guanajuato get along like besties.


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Hetalia: Guide to the United Mexican StatesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora