14. Tamaulipas

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Human Name: Tatiana Toya Toledano Carbajal

Gender: Female

Age: 19 Years Old

Before Statehood: After the Fall of the Aztec Empire in 1521, the Spanish attempted to repress the indigenous groups of the region, however, native resistance mostly discouraged the Spaniards from expanding into the area. The first permanent Spanish settlement, Tampico, was founded in 1554. During the 17th century, various Apache bands invaded the region; the Lipan were credited for the state's name. In 1746, in fear of French Louisiana, the region was developed, and it became a separate province of New Spain known as Nuevo Santander. After the Mexican War of Independence, Tamaulipas became a Mexican state in 1824.

Statehood: February 7, 1824 (14th)

Hair Color: Natural Black

Eye Color: Dark Cyan

Notable Traits: Straight, medium length hair in a ponytail. Copper skin. Typically, she wears a cuera tamaulipeca jacket over a tan dress in addition to wearing leather boots. She wears a natural frown on her face. She tends to attract crabs whenever in a bad mood.

Favorite Foods/Drinks: Chilaquiles, Fajitas, Stuffed Crabs, Tampiqueña Steaks, Torta de la Barda (Tampico-style Sandwich)

Favorites: Beaches, Charro Days (celebration), La Picota (dance), Son Huasteco (music), Theater

Personality: Crabby and Standoffish. In the past, she was a troublemaker with a mind of her own. As she grew older, she became more tame and productive although her fierce attitude remained the same until recent years. Sadly, the cartels drove her into becoming more distant and pessimistic lately, silencing her into this state of fear. Even when offered assistance, she would always deny any help, mainly out of pride and concern of dragging innocents into her problems.


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