"I guess I was afraid about how will they react if I told them." Said Serena as she feels a bit uneasy." Plus, I keep having this feeling inside, like there is this darkness inside me that kinda makes me feel there is something missing inside of me."

Then Sweet Pea have started to see that Serena started to feel a bit confused and upset about who she is and what she is suppose to be. Then he started to grab her hands and look at her.

"Serena, you are not a bad person, you may have some darkness inside of you, but we all have darkness inside of us, and we can try to control it." Said Sweet Pea as he looks at Serena." And no matter what happens, I will always be there to protect you Serena."

"Thank you Sweet Pea, that really means a lot to me." Said Serena as she smiles at Sweet Pea." I'll see you tomorrow at school."

"Okay." Said Sweet Pea as he smiles.

Then before Serena was about to head inside her house, she kissed Sweet Pea right at the cheek, which have gotten him to blush really red, and then Serena have started to go inside her house. Then Sweet Pea have started to drive back to the Sunnyside Trailer Park. Meanwhile inside at Serena's house, Serena have finished doing her homework and decided to go for a walk.

So Serena have started to grab her coat, then as she goes downstairs, she saw her mom in the living room reading a book, and then Serena started to get her mother's attention.

"Hey mom, I'm going to go for a walk." Said Serena as she looks at Sabrina.

"Okay Serena, just please be careful." Said Sabrina as she smiles.

"I will mom." Said Serena as she smiles and was about to head out." Mom, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it sweetie?" Asked Sabrina as she looks at Serena.

"Do you ever have a darkness in you and ever wonder what you can do to control it?" Asked Serena as she looks at her mom.

"Well, lot of people have darkness inside of them and some times we have a hard time trying to control." Said Sabrina as she looks at Serena." But sometimes our darkness is a part of who we are and it sometimes help us keep the balance inside us."

That got Serena to think that her mom is right about having a bit of darkness inside of you. So after she thank her mom, she started to go for her walk. As she was walking down the sidewalk, she have started to remember the day when she, Betty, and Veronica have gotten Chuck to reveal his true colors.


The girls were getting the drinks, when Serena and Veronica saw Betty putting something in Chucks drink.

"What is that Betty?" Asked Serena as she looks at Betty putting something in Chucks drink.

"Muscle relaxer." Said Betty as she explains." Mix it with booze and it lowers your inhibitions.
Hello, truth serum."

"Maybe we should slow it down a little?" Asked Veronica looking a bit concerned.

"I kinda agreed with Veronica here Betty, maybe this might be a bit extreme." Said Serena looking also concerned." I mean, we are here to try to reveal Chuck's true colors not to drunk him."

"It's fine." Said Betty as she looks at the two girls." Right, Chuck?"

The girls have turn to see Chuck in the hot tub looking relax and look up to see Betty walking up to him with his drink.

"You don't want to slow down, do you?" Asked Betty.

"Oh, I'm 2 Fast 2 Furious, baby." Said Chuck as he smirks at Betty.

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