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The light seeped into the light canopy of the roof, reflecting upon the sleeping faces of the three mages, with their bodies tangled in a twined mess. They had moved from their original positions, in their sleep, and laid in a disorderly manner- their entire appearance disheveled and weary.

The girl hummed softly and let out a cute yawn, turning onto her side to relieve her sore muscles. She barely had a blink of sleep last night, out of the pure fear and paranoia that she had been involuntarily faced against. How could she not be paranoid? On her right was a snarky stripper and on her left was a wild beast- who roared out merciless snores that pierced her eardrums. She was a only a teenage girl, after all.

Lucy nuzzled her nose into the firm pillow and sighed contently. I want to sleep for 10 more hours, please. And just when she felt her eyes grow heavier from drowsiness, a forceful flick grazed against her forehead- causing her eyes to bolt open. "What the-"

The girl took in a sharp breath. Dark, brooding eyes burned through her own- obvious anger and disdain painted on his features. She gulped at their closeness, not realizing she hand unknowingly nuzzled her face into his chest and flushed deeply at that.

"-heck..." She finished lamely, quickly scooting away from the disgruntled ice wizard. He sent her a piercing glare and growled, still keeping his icy gaze on her. "You were scared of me touching you, but now look at what you're doing now. Are you crazy?" He said accusingly and the blonde averted her eyes in guilt. That's true.

She didn't wanted to leave herself defenseless, so she spoke up, "Yea, but you were talking in your sleep last night and... uh.." Lucy trailed off, realizing that she had put herself in an awkward situation. His eyes widened at her statement and scoffed. "What did you hear?" He demanded, his tone more frigid than usual.

"You were talking about your parents..."

He was dreadfully silent. Lucy panicked.

"Uh... But, don't we all? I can relate, my mother-"

The man sneered and jerked up forcefully. "I don't care about your mother, okay?! I just want you to forget whatever happened last night." He slipped his shirt on and sent her one last glare before heading towards the door.

"Where are you going?!"

"Get ready. We're leaving." The man left with a loud bang, that resounded throughout the silent cottage. She grumbled at his bossy attitude and stood up to change out of her pajamas. Why did he have to be so rude about it?! He was such a challenging person to understand!

Then, her mind wandered back to the happenings of last night. His undeniable vulnerability and exposure, that refrained her from disliking him completely, popped up into her mind. Did his parents pass away? Is that why he was acting like a prick? She didn't know. But, she acknowledged the strong front he put up to seem emotionally stable. Was he really so cold or is he just acting?

The girl sighed and looked up to the ceiling, disheartened by her lack of comprehension of the raven-haired man. "Mama... please give me strength."

After slipping on her boots and belt, with her keychain, she strode towards Natsu- a light jingle resounding at every step she took. Shaking the man lightly, he bolted up and fire burst from his mouth. "Where's the enemy?!"

Did she even have to respond? She gave a blank look and stood up, heading outside with a confused and weary Natsu following behind her. Gray glanced over and once he affirmed they were ready, he pivoted his foot and started walking off into the shrubs and bushes. The girl was too frustrated to even question his indecipherable behavior.


She couldn't recall when she did, but she habitually summoned Horologium as her legs began to fail her. The man, who led the way so confidently, hadn't spoken a word through the entire hike- his dark blue eyes focused on whatever was in front of him.

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