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The man stared curiously as he entered the guild, and the members were eerily silent- with distinguished looks of frustration painted on their faces. No longer were they clinking their wooden barrels of liquor and slurring their loud, boisterous words. Unconsciously, his eyes were searching for a sight of blonde hair and frowned involuntarily as he realized that Lucy was not there. Had she found about his plan and ran away?


Gray walked up to the white-haired bartender, who gripped the wine glass with malice and possessed a scary glint in her eye. "What happened?" He asked, snapping the girl out of her trance. She blinked once, and then twice, and straightened her back. "Natsu, Happy, and Lucy left to do an S-class quest." Gray felt his brows burrow and leaned in inquisitively.

"Is that bad?"

She simply nodded and let out a long-suppressed sigh. "Only S-class wizards can do those kinda jobs. Those three aren't qualified for that. They could get killed, you know."

His slender lips formed into a frown. How would he get his reward money from Jude if Lucy died before he could get his hands on her? Somehow, his cold hands went even colder as he clasped his fist tightly, blooding draining from the slim fingers. "I see..." He croaked out, hoping Mira did not notice the inflections of his deep voice.

Unluckily, she had caught the shakiness and absence of assertiveness when he spoke. Humming, the girl fiddled with the glass rim as an idea played in her head. Gray stared dumbfounded at her playful grin.

"What is this stupid woman smiling for?" He had thought, a vein popping on his forehead as he tightened his jaw.

"You like Lucy, don't you?" Mira teased, using her magic to transform her head into the celestial mage.

Staring at her blankly, the man scoffed and pivoted his heel- striding off to somewhere farthest away from the take-over mage. "You're crazy." Gray stated and didn't even bother to answer such a ridiculous question. What had he even done to garner that response?

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. Come back." She called out and he looked back hesitantly. Her face returned to normal and he sighed, making his way back to the wooden, bar counter. "I want you to go after them. Help them, or drag them back here- it's your choice."

He contemplated, placing his firm palm flush against his jaw. It would be a pain to do so, but could he risk the death of Ms. I-ran-away-from-home-because-daddy-wasn't-giving-me-attention-Heartfilia? Certainly, he could not. He growled at her actions, suddenly bearing a smidge of spite for the girl. If only she had experienced the loss of a parent, then she wouldn't have left so haphazardly. A spoiled rich brat, as Gray expected. He conjured up more hypotheses in his imaginative head, many involving Lucy sucking up to him because he was astoundingly handsome. Yes, that was definitely it.

"I'll do it." He said gruffly and ran out the doors of the guild, clutching his bag in hand.


The sun shone brightly on the docks of Hargeon, as familiar heads of blonde, pink, and blue could be spotted from a distance. The dragon slayer weakly toppled over and clutched his stomach tightly, a rush of bile threatening to escape his mouth. The thing that made him retch was carousing upon the water, the mere sight of it bobbing up and down left a sickly sensation within his entire body. The celestial wizard stood agitatedly beside him, stomping on his face harshly as she forced a high-pitched brittle-quality sound from her throat.

"Please drive us to Galuna Island, mister~" Lucy winked, thrusting her chest forward as she tried her best to seduce the sailor in front of her.

[GRAYLU] If Only It Was YouWhere stories live. Discover now