Awkward Revelations

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Y/N woke feeling refreshed, and ready for a new day. Eve joined in her friend's sudden peppiness this morning and the two managed to get to work nearly half an hour early. This allotted for the girls to enjoy a bagel from the Café with their morning coffee. The two ate and talked happily about the upcoming weekend, and what their plans would be.

"You know Y/N, we have yet to really explore the city, I mean like the night life." Eve wiggled her eyebrows at Y/N and smirked. Y/N shook her head and laughed.

"Oh please, you just want to find out where the hot clubs are so you can find a hot dude to bang." She smiled and Eve nodded in agreement.

"You're not wrong." Eve practically sang the words before finishing off her bagel. Y/N laughed and sipped her last bit of coffee.

The two finished their breakfast and headed up to check in and get right to work. There were a few members of their joint teams already going through some things. Jae came over and gave them the run-down. They already got their 'Lotte Life' slogan approved now they needed to prep a draft for a commercial and some advert posters, digital ones of course. Y/N took a look at the slogan and went right to the drawing desk she'd been using, she sketched out the Lotte tower and added another page over it, sketching out a generic looking family. Jae approached and watched her add another thin paper and sketch out some fireworks and confetti. Jae nodded as he watched her work.

"This could work for a poster, but with the season..." Before he could finish Y/N set the two top pages aside, leaving the image of the Lotte tower. She grabbed a new sheet and sketched out a couple, then added a new page and drew some flowers and falling petals.

"Yeah this is what I was thinking. You're good Y/N, reading my mind like that." He laughed and Y/N let out a slight chuckle.

"I mean this is just a rough... really rough sketch, I'll get to more detail though." She said with a smile. Jae nodded and let her get to it.

Eve was huddled up with Jackson and a few other members of the writing team working on a skit piece for a commercial.

(Kim SeokJin's POV)

I made my way into work as usual, my assistant Nina handed me my morning coffee as I approached the elevator. I hoped this morning's coffee wouldn't have that weird after taste in it. Luckily as I swallowed the hot liquid and slapped my tongue against the roof of my mouth there was no slightly bitter taste. I smiled and stepped into the elevator, making my way up to my office. The elevator stopped on floor 18 but when the doors opened no one was there. Hmm, must have been an impatient person. The doors closed soon enough, and I made it to the 21st floor, my floor. I entered my office swiftly and began checking emails.

(Y/N's POV)

All morning I had this weird feeling, you know that creepy feeling you get when someone is standing right behind you, it's that only no one has been behind me or looking over my shoulder. I completed my more detailed rough drafts after lunch. That feeling didn't go away until around 4pm. Lexi put her hand on my shoulder and asked me what was up. I smiled and responded.

"Not much, I just hope my drawings are good enough." I sighed and Lexi patted my head.

"No worries, you did great. Sorry I came in late today, my wife and I are trying to adopt and we had a meeting with our adoption agent." She said with a smile. I giggled and smiled back at her.

"Wow that's amazing! Congrats!" I said excitedly.

"Well hang on to that congratulatory cheer. We have yet to find a match, we only submitted the last bit of info that was needed for our profile. We're now officially in the system for birth mothers to see if they want us to raise their little precious gift." She smiled brightly and patted my back as she spoke.

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