Happy Accidents

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3 Weeks have passed since Y/N's incident with Mr. Kim. Lexi kept her eye on her of course to make sure she wasn't too shaken, but Y/N seemed fine and managed to focus on her work. Both teams managed to get the VT and YG promotions out without too much difficulty. Monday morning meant another meeting so the two teams could get their next assignments, this time they'd be joined with the other planning team. All three would have to work together as they would have a larger work load most likely.

Eve and Y/N awoke and changed into their newly purchased work outfits. Since they got paid they decided to treat themselves to one new work outfit each. That Saturday they spent the day searching the city for their ideal outfit. Eve had settled on a very bright and red flowing knee length skirt a black turtleneck and a bright red blazer with black lining on the inside. She had a pair of black pumps she wore with it. Y/N on the other hand decided on a more tight fitting black knee length skirt with pink hearts around the bottom hem line, a pink turtleneck and a black blazer with the same pink hearts around the hem line and cuffs of the blazer. She admired her outfit in the mirror and tied her hair back with a pink scrunchie. The two set off for work after Y/N slipped on her new pink pumps.

As the two entered their building they went to the cafe to get their usual morning coffee.


Eve and I stood in line to get our morning coffee. I searched my bag for my ID, when my fingers brushed against something hard and round. I reached in and pulled it out, I looked at the strange container of silver curiously. Tapping Eve's shoulder I showed her.

"ah, you brought the 'magic glitter' huh?" She giggled.

"Ooohh that's what this stuff is. I forgot about that. I didn't mean to bring it I guess I put it in my bag at some point." I responded and searched for my ID tag again. I found it and looked at the silver container again. I don't know why but I decided to twist off the cap and play with it a bit. Eve stepped forward with the girl in front of us. There were three spots open so I went beside the girl and started to make my coffee. Eve finished hers and I watched the girl next to us using some sort of measuring cup she pulled from her bag. Eve scoffed as I played with the silver particles.

"Can you believe it, Mr. Kim even has to have certain amount of cream and sugar in his coffee. What a tight ass." I could see her roll her eyes and it made me giggle. She turned to me quickly and went to reach for my shoulders, she shocked me to say the least with her quick movements and I jolted forward, some of the silver glitter looking particles took to the air and flew past Eve' shoulders and landed on the girls hands next to her. Eve hadn't noticed but my eyes couldn't stop staring, the girl was stirring the glitter into the coffee and it seemingly dissolved. I was freaking out on the inside. What the hell did I just do, was this stuff toxic? Oh my god did I just inadvertently poison Mr. Kim!? What!?

I tried to slap myself out of it, Eve was laughing and then she looked at me strangely.

"Y/N? You okay? You're zoning out girl." She said as she pulled me away from the coffee area, I put the silver powder away and took my coffee, watching behind me as the girl with Mr. Kim's coffee strutted off toward the elevator. I took a sip of my coffee, I was worried and I think it showed as we slowly made our way to the elevator. I was a bit relieved when we saw the girl with Mr. Kim' coffee had taken the elevator already so we had to wait for another one. Once the elevator dinged I pulled Eve closer to me and whispered to her.

"I think I'm in a lot of trouble Eve." I bit my bottom lip and looked at her with a worried expression on my face. She just looked at me confused and whispered back.

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