Javelins and Guilt

Start from the beginning

"Y/n, I don't want your money, you've helped pay for my college already... I don't want it." 

"Then what're you gonna do? Rob a bank to pay for the medical bills? Alice, you're like a sister to me, and I'm not gonna watch you suffer. I'm going to pay it whether you like it or not. Even if it means I have to wire the money into your bank account." I told her. 

She sighed heavily, then she started to cry. "I don't know what I'm gonna do if I lose him..." She sobbed into a pillow. 

"Alice, calm down, and let's go to the party. You and I... We've been so uptight, we need to have some fun. Okay?" I told her. 

She nodded. "Okay... I'll be ready in a minute..." She sighed, wiping the tears that were still falling. 

She kept her word, and in two minutes were were passing the boy dormitories. The only working elevator on this level was in the boy section, so we were allowed to go through. 

"Ned, Peter!" Alice grinned. She didn't look like she had been crying at all. She was a talented makeup artist. There was no doubt about it. 

Ned and Peter looked back at us, and they both waved. "Hey Alice, Y/n." They acknowledged simultaneously. 

"So how've you been?" Alice asked Peter. "We haven't been able to see you much. Aaaand, you missed that catch up day with Y/n you promised her when we were at the Daily Bugle!" She prodded him. 

He shrugged, "I've been busy. I also got beat up in a fight last week." He shook his head. "I stumbled across some druggies, and I didn't make eye contact, they thought I was challenging them, and..." He pretended to punch himself in the jaw. "Heck, I've still got the bruise.. Look." 

He lifted his jaw, and a faint and barely visible, purple and blue bruise was there. 

"Dang... Did it hurt?" Alice asked. 

"Yeah, but it's all good. I can't feel it anymore." He replied. 

"So, what's been up with you Ned?" Alice asked. 

"I've just been making sure that he's been passing his classes." He joked. 

Everyone laughed at that. When we got into the elevator, it was dead silent, and awkward. 

"You look nice tonight Alice." Ned said. "... You too Y/n." Ned finished. 

"Thank you." Alice gushed. 

"Uh, so when are you free?" Peter mumbled as Ned and Alice started talking. 

"What do you mean Parker?" I replied, looking down at the elevator floor. "Besides, you'll probably forget about it." I muttered. 

"Y/n... I didn't forget. I just... I had to deal with other stuff. I mean, we can't live peaceful lives forever. We've gotta experience faults, and mistakes..." He tried to support his claim with evidence. "I- I mean, if we do nothing stupid while we're young... What stories will we have to tell later on?" He asked. 

"... You're right. Gosh, I'm so selfish... I'm sorry Peter." I replied guiltily. The javelin thrust itself into my gut again, and the elevator dinged. 

The elevator doors opened, and then we saw the entire hall filled with confetti, glitter, and any other party accessory you could find at the store. 

"This is gonna be one heck of a night." Alice said, wide eyed. 

"You could say that again." Peter replied. 

"Maybe we should celebrate somewhere else. Where nothing... embarrassing will happen." Ned suggested. 

"Y-yeah.. We could go to Starbucks." I suggested. "Or Delmars..." 

"Y/n! Alice, Ned!" Veronica Houston proclaimed in her high pitched honey coated voice. "So glad you could make it! And- oh, Peter... Don't you look dashing." Veronica bit her lip, and bat her eyelashes at him. "If you guys need help finding anything, or anyone, just ask and I'll help you." She sashayed off into the room, and blended into the crowd of wild dancing hooligans. 

Anger boiled my blood, and the javelin was yanked out painfully. "You've never been kind, or respectful towards him you ugly skunk." I thought bitterly. "Why don't you go do everyone a favor and choke on the cloud of perfume that's surrounding you." 

"They're probably drunk." Alice muttered. 

"Or high." Ned suggested.

"Both." Peter and I said in usion. 

"Well... here we go." We all whispered. 

Sorry this was really bad you guys... I've never been invited to a party before tbh. I've actually been called "nerd" and "geek" so as you can already tell, I'm at home, sulking and writing/reading fanfics to pass the time. 

Hope you all enjoy reading this schist. (If any PJO/HOO/TOA fans understand this, please comment down below.)


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