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Hey, I know I'm not posting right now, but I wanted to talk a little about a super important issue: gun violence.

But before I go into detail, here's what I'm NOT talking about: getting rid of the second amendment.
The biggest reason why people oppose the anti-gun violence movement is because they're afraid their guns will get taken away, but that's NOT the point of the anti-gun violence movement.

Our goal is to get more thorough background checks for gun licenses because right now, anyone eighteen or older can get their gun license in only a few hours. After those few hours, that same adult can go buy an AK-47, a powerful machine gun, and, if they somehow get the wild idea to shoot up a public space, can kill and injure dozens of people at once

By November 8th, there were 307 MASS shootings in the United States in 2018, and so far, there have been 37 MASS shootings in 2019. There have only been 44 days in 2019. That's roughly 84% of this year. People have been killed. People have been injured. And we're all at risk. Especially students.

In 2018, there were ninety-four school shootings. On average, there are only 180 days in a school year. One-hundred and thirteen students died in school shootings in 2018. If we don't do something now, how many more will it take?

In three weeks, the House is Representatives will be voting on H.R. 8, a bill that will require background checks on individuals who want to buy guns. This is a really important step for ending gun violence, and YOU can help by sending a postcard to your representative through the TOM'S End Gun Violence initiative.

All you have to do is copy and paste the link I've given below into your browser, enter your name, email, address, and zip code, and Toms will print a pre-written postcard and hand deliver it to Congress like they did just the other day.

It's so EASY that I just send in four! Please, everyone, send in some post cards and tell your friends. Despite what you may think, you CAN make a difference.

The victims who survived the Parkland Shooting in Florida have been working together in an organization called The Fight For Our Lives and have been blowing up the news and since their school was attacked and their peers and teachers and local police were injured and killed. The organization is student led, and these people OUR AGE are making a difference in the world.

Even though other voices are louder, every small voice raises the volume of our message that we need to end gun violence to keep ourselves, our friends, our family, our peers, our neighbors, and our fellow Americans safe.

Here is the link for the TOM'S postcard submission:

For more information:

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