It took Brandon probably thirty minutes to get to me, and he didn't disappoint. He brought his own breakfast- pancakes, bacon, eggs, the works. He was even an angel when the nurse told me breakfast had stopped being served and if I wanted lunch I had to wait for noon. He split his breakfast in half for me, and I promised I'd buy him breakfast some other time.

"So what happened? Was it a martyr type of thing?" Brandon's lips turned up.

"No. Some guy gave me a crab roll." I frowned.

"You took a roll from a stranger?"

"He's not- let me explain." I explained the entire situation about having to pretend being Oliver's girlfriend to get a feel for Abby so James can propose. I told him how Will and I used to be best friends, but I didn't go into detail about our falling out, and I didn't mention how this job was impossible because I didn't believe in true love.

Well. Maybe that's not true. It is possible. I just have to figure out what will make Abby happy- and then this job won't be impossible.

Brandon was great- a good sport and a sweet guy- even when Oliver showed up.

"Hey." Oliver greeted, slowly entering the room, "I just thought I'd check up on you."

"Thanks. I'm doing better. The nurse is just charging my card and I should be out within the hour."

"I'm Brandon." Brandon stuck out his hand as Oliver neared us.

"I'm Oliver." Oliver nodded, giving a handshake.

"You're Oliver?" Brandon smiled.

"Yeah. I'm guessing she told you about my screw up?"

"Yeah. She's quick to snitch- I'd watch out for her." I rolled my eyes when Brandon shot me a wink.

"I just came by to see if you needed a ride home. I also have your painting in my car." Oliver shifted his weight from foot to foot, waiting for a dismissal.

"Yeah, actually, I better get going. I have to get to work." Brandon stood, giving me a smile and nodding to Oliver. "Feel better." He called, letting the door close softly behind him.

"I'm sorry."

"Please stop apologizing. You didn't know because I didn't tell you. I've honestly had dates worse than that, it's not a big deal." I shook my head.

"Worse than your date giving you a food you're allergic to?" He raised a brow.

"Worse than an honest mistake." I corrected.

"Let's hear it then." He tempted.

"There was one guy who even after I told him about my shellfish allergy he ordered lobster because he had a real hankering. And then he proceeded to try and kiss me after dropping me off."

"Geez." We both turned to the door as a nurse came in to detach the wires and release me.


"That's when I told her about the toilet paper on her shoe."

"Are you kidding me? You waited until you were in the middle of a crowd?"

Oliver laughed, swinging the beer bottles to his lips.

"I wouldn't go on a second date with you either." I laughed.

I glanced at Oliver's phone as it rang. I don't even know how long we'd been talking, but I did good in inviting him up after he dropped me off at my car. We had to know each other for Tuesday night at Abby's anyway.

Barely Engaged (ONC 2019)Where stories live. Discover now