Grabbing my carry-on, I navigated through baggage and then customs before entering a crowded arrivals area. Scanning the room, I was worried that maybe he was late or someone else was picking me up, when I spied a sign peeking over someone's shoulder that read, "Most awesome girlfriend on the Planet". Stepping from behind a group of tourists about to board their tour bus, Jamie was grinning wide, his smile matching mine as we moved towards each other. His mouth was on mine immediately as he wrapped me up tight in his arms. The world kept moving around us, but for Jamie and me, there was nothing more than his lips on mine and the joy of being together again.

Finally we pulled apart, already breathing hard. He stroked my hair and face as he looked me over. "I can't believe yer finally here Lei. I've been goin' crazy wonderin' if you'd come."

"I couldn't wait another two weeks either. I was jumping out of my skin, I've been missin' you so much."

He was kissing me again and my arms slipped around his shoulders to hold him to me.

Eventually the noises of the busy airport around us started to intrude on our bubble. Pulling apart again, I blushed as I caught people staring at us, some in disapproval and some with understanding. Grabbing my suitcase with one hand and wrapping an arm around my waist, James steered us towards an exit and out to a waiting limo. I raised an eyebrow at him in surprise.

"The promoters for the gig tomorrow," he explained. "They offered the car when they got wind that you were comin'."

"Wow, guess they really wanna keep you happy," I teased.

I noticed him look away quickly and he seemed suddenly anxious as his cheeks darkened with discomfit. Handing the driver my things, he ushered me into the back of the car, closing the door behind us. He appeared to be wrestling with something, but before I could ask what was wrong, the driver got in the front and let us know it'd be about an hour drive to our destination. He must have read our need for privacy as he raised the solid partition between him and us. It was quiet for a minute.

"Is everything ok?" I asked tentatively.

Jamie nodded, though he looked almost scared. "We said we'd tell each other everything right?"

I nodded, though I could feel a knot forming in my stomach. What had happened?

"Last night," he continued glumly, "after we arrived in town. I....I guess the promoters thought they were bein' cool and decided to send over some beer and food to me and the guys. And...."

He stopped and looked down at his hands.

"And?" I prompted quietly, though I had a pretty good idea of what was coming next.

"Well...there was a knock on my hotel room door and I figured it was more gifts...and I was right. Two girls had been sent over to keep me company."

He looked miserable as he told me.

"Company? You mean they were hookers?"

"Yeah." He looked at me, his eyes beseeching mine. "I made them leave right away, I didn't even shake their hand or anything. I was so embarrassed, and I think even they felt kinda bad for me. But I need you to know I never considered—"

I was kissing him before he could finish. He groaned low in his throat as he pulled me up onto his lap, his arms holding me close. 

Finally, I pulled away a little. "Thank you for telling me," I said solemnly as I stroked his cheek. "I know you were worried that I'd be upset...but I'm not. I just love you so fuckin' much right now."

His face sagged with relief and he cupped the back of my head as he kissed me thoroughly, his tongue sliding between my lips to tangle with mine. I kissed him back fervently, suddenly feeling a sense of urgency to demonstrate my love and faith in him.

So Close (a James Hetfield story)Where stories live. Discover now