"Jungkook? Ah I haven't seen you in forever," the man chuckled as he grabbed Jungkook by shoulder making the maknae feel weak. "You've grown so much compared from three years ago." The man had an attractive smile and deep voice, more low than Taehyung.

"H-How do you know me?" Jungkook cussed himself in the head asking such a stupid question since he was already knows who is. Everyone in South Korea knows him. "Who are you? What's your relations with Hana noona? Why are you - oh my gosh Jin Hyung is going to kill her once he fin–"

"Jungkook," Hana voice caught two of the boys attention. Jungkook eyes trailed on Hana figure and gulped as he looked away. She was wearing a robe and her hair was wet which made him figured out that she came out of the shower.

Oh my god did they? No, they can't. If they did then all of us would've heard, but then again if noona is one of those submis–

"Earth to Jungkook," Hana waved her hand in front of his face making him come back to reality. "I've called your name like five times, what's wrong with you?" Both Hana and the unknown man looked at Jungkook with concern eyes. The two together seemed so perfect that Jungkook already knew that he lost his chance.

Without speaking for a minute, Jungkook dashed out of the door. His loud footsteps caused six the boys in the kitchen ears to perk as they switched their attention to a breathless maknae. Taehyung, who knew this was going to happen, handed Jungkook a glass of water who did not hesitate but to grab it and gulped it down in one go.

"You good," Taehyung said with a plain look. The maknae shook his head as he was still hold onto his chest. "Ok, tell me when you're good," Taehyung then went back playing video games on his phone.

"Why got you so shocked that it look like your innocents was taken away?" Yoongi questioned.

"Hyungs," he finally spoke. "You won't believe what I just saw in Hana noona room."

"What?" All five them questioned in unison.

"I saw a...... boy."

Jungkook expected a reaction from anyone, especially Jin who kept sipping on his tea.

"Ok, let me repeat myself again because I don't know if you understand me, I said that Hana noona has a bo–"

"Has a boy in her room, yeah we know," Taehyung said as his focus was still on his phone.

"W-Wait What? You guys knew!?"

"Of course we knew, he came in yesterday, you were probably asleep at that time," Namjoon responded making Jungkook look so confuse as to why no one was freaking out or questioning this.

"Ok, but–"

"Oh look there they come," Jimin smiled as he waved towards the two who were coming down the stairs. "Good morning!"

The unknown man, who was holding hands with Hana, smiled at Jimin and replied back, "Good morning."

"Finally, we can now eat since everyone is here," Jin said as he sat himself next to Namjoon.

Hana and the man sat on the other side of the table, leaving one seat left for Jungkook which was by Yoongi.

"Are you not going to eat Jungkook?" Hana questioned.

𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐑 𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐑; btsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя