In Her Heat - Chapter Twelve

Start from the beginning

I shrugged. The thought wasn't all that important so I cast it from my head. I had to stay focused on finding out what really happened to my parents. I ran my fingers through my hair, closed the closet door and walked out of the bedroom and out of the cabin. The air was still warm and sticky. Even the reserve wasn't unaffected by the heat wave. I began down the road I'd run down before. I didn't know where I was going though - I was just going. There were more people out now. Kids, teenagers and adults were all out enjoying the day. The setting sun looked beautiful and was a brilliant orange.

As I was walking down the road, I caught sight of Maya. "Maya!" I called. Her head whipped around as she looked for who had called her name. When she saw me her eyes widened slightly and she looked as though she was debating running. I realized I probably hadn't made the best first impression on her. "Maya! Wait, please. I just have one quick question." She bit her lip, but she didn't move.

"Yes, Ainsley?" She asked. She was folding and unfolding her hands, twiddling her thumbs. I sighed again. She was one frail woman.

"Do you know where Reese would be right now?" She hesitated. "Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything bad."

"I just saw him go into his cabin." She began to walk past me.

"Wait, just one more thing." She stopped walking and turned her head back to face me. "Do you know if Ashton's with him?"

She shook her head. "Ashton's helping set up for the bonfire."


"It's kind of a tradition. The first night when a newcomer arrives, or when a man or woman makes their first shift, we have a celebratory bonfire."

"So I'm guessing it's for me?" I said.

She nodded. "It starts when the sun goes completely down ." She gave me a small smile before continuing on wherever she was headed.

I kept walking before I realized I had no idea where Reese's cabin was. "Maya!" I called, but she was already gone. I sighed. I really wasn't thinking straight. I looked around. Everyone was staring at me, but I really didn't want ask any of them. I ran my hand through my hair. I really didn't even know where to begin looking for Reese's cabin.

"Are you looking for someone, dear?" called a voice. Sitting in a rocking chair on one of the cabin porches was a woman. She had a genuine smile on her face. She looked to be in either her late twenties or early thirties. Her hair was cut in a short blonde bob and framed her oval face nicely. Her pale, pale blue eyes sat underneath thin, perfect eyebrows and on top of a straight nose. Her lips were a bit on the thinner side, but they made a beautiful smile.

"Um, yeah, actually. I'm looking for Reese's cabin." I walked up to the first step leading up to her porch. "Could you point me in the right direction?" I asked.

"Come on up here, dear. I don't bite," she said with a chuckle. I really didn't want to. The sun was still going down and I wanted to talk to Reese before the bonfire. But growing up I'd been taught countless times about respecting elders, so up the steps I went.

In Her Heat - Ainsley's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now