Leah Guest

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Once I was seven years old and my mama told me to be the kindest girl that I could be
Once I was seven years old

This is a scary world, I didn't let that phase me
We put our brave face on from the morning til the evening
And by eleven I learnt words that hurt more than bruises
Life is a restless game, we're tryin not to lose it

Once I was eleven years old, my daddy told me - my heart had to be the prettiest thing about me
Once I was eleven years old

I've always dreamt so big, and I'm a keep on dreaming
And in a hopeless world, I've always kept believing, I've always kept on breathing, always kept achieving
Despite the sticks and stones, I will not be defeated

Soon I'll be twenty years old and my brothers told me to hold the ones who love me most so closely
Soon I'll be twenty years old

I wanna make a change, make this place a little better
We need to live within a world where everybody matters
No, I don't wanna see anyone's sons or daughters cryin, cause they don't fit in with what society has taught them

Soon I'll be twenty years old and my friends have told me to keep my chin up when my tears are streaming
Soon I'll be twenty years old

Soon we'll be thirty years old, what will our lives hold? Will I be satisfied with all that surrounds me?
Soon I'll be thirty years old

No matter how old we are age is just a number
It's never too late to love
To reach or care for each other
To forgive a brother, or to find a lover
Life is a mystery waiting to be discovered

Soon I'll be sixty years old, my life will be a story
Where my children tell their children about me
I'll watch a generation rise up to change the nation, the past lays down foundations for the future celebrations

Soon I'll be sixty years old, will I be all alone cause I never valued what was all around me?
Soon I'll be sixty years old

Soon I'll be sixty years old, and God will show me that he was by my side through my every heartbeat

Once I was seven years old and my mama told me to be the kindest girl that I could be
Once I was seven years old
Once I was seven years old

(Rewrite von 7 Years von Lukas Graham)

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