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Sal screamed, alarming every tenant of the apartments. Todd was the first to make his way outside to see what was going on.

"HELP OH GOD HELP," Sal way yelling as he grabbed into the river below trying to get ahold of Travis body, now floating face down.

Larry, Todd, Chung and Robert were all outside at this point. Larry instantly ran to Sal and trued to help him grab the body. The river was far below and it was deep, Travis was starting down stream. Sal was sobbing under his mask so hard tears were coming out the eye holes. Out of sudden instinct Sal jumped into the freezing water below. It was deep and he wasn't the best swimmer but he needed Travis. He managed to grab ahold of the boys body and flip him face up and they both floated down stream.

"SAL NO!" Larry and Todd both screamed. The cry's were alerting the neighbors and Todd had already called 911. Sal was desperately trying to force Travis towards land to no avail. Larry was a decent swimmer and had been his entire life. He managed his way over to the two and pulled Sal from Travis' barley breathing body. Sals mask was filled with water and it was making it harder for him to breathe.

"Sal get out now!" Henry yelled from land. Every tenant of the apartments was out. except Mr. Addison of course. However even Terrance was peering out the window at the situation.
Sal swam to sore and Todd, Chug Lisa and Henry helped empty his prosthetic of water. Sal looked down at Larry who was dragging Travis to land fairly effectively.

"Damn it Larry, why are you so good at everything?" Sal muttered. Larry threw Travis into land and Sal ran over faster than he'd ever run before. He was taught CPR in 6th grade and remembered how to do it. He'd never done it on an actual person though. He began chest compressions and tried mouth to mouth. He just wanted to kiss the boy again though. Sal back away when paramedics arrived.

Sal burst back into tears. "What the fuck did I do wrong?" He sobbed. Ash had arrived at this point and Larry, Todd and Ash all sat around Sal concerting him. They say there for awhile before Travis was put into an ambulance and driven far away.

It was 5 hours later and Travis still hadn't woken up. He had a steady heartbeat and was breathing fine though. Travis' mom has showed up and never questioned Sal but Travis' dad didn't seem to care enough to arrive in the first five hours.

When Travis' dad did arrive he looked upset. Not sad that his son had been hospitalized, but upset that he had to deal with the hassle of it.

"The fuck happened?" He said turning his attention to the blue haired boy.

"Well he slept over at my place and-" Sal was suddenly cut off by the tall man above him.

"Did you sleep in the same bed like faggots?"

"N-no were not g-gay, he slept on the couch and I slept on the floor," Sal lied to the man in desperation.

"Alright so what did you do to him to get him here?" The man said aggressively.

"Well he seemed on edge all morning and ran out to the river to," Sal inhaled heavily. "To 'end it all'" Sal quoted. There was no further conversation until Travis woke up thirty minutes later.

"Hey, hows it going?" Sal said quietly approaching him. Travis' parents had left soon after his dad arrived so it was only Sal.

"Sahaggwyy Faceteyeggee?" Travis mumbled trying to say Sals name. He blindly reached out for the boy above him. Then he began coughing.

"Shhh, it's okay baby boy," Sal said quietly reaching for the button to call a nurse on his hospital bed. Hopefully he would be out soon.

The nurse arrived and Travis was still coughing.
"Hello, I'm nurse Clancy," (I couldn't think of any other name so fellow Tøp fans bear with me) Clancy took Travis' temperature and he was fine.

"Is he gonna be okay, I want him to be okay," Sal said slowly leaning into the chair he had been in for hours.

"Yes, we can't take him off oxygen yet but he'll be fine and can go home tomorrow. Feel free to sleep here with him if you want," Clancy answered.

"Poor guy, I didn't want this to happen to him."

"Is there anything wrong with his home life?" The nurse began asking as she sat down with Sal. "Should we send him somewhere else?"

Sal hesitated to answer her. Sal knew full well what Travis' dad had been doing but he didn't want to tell the woman.

Travis was in so much pain. He could barely move or talk at all. He could hear and see Sal and a nurse talking, he wasn't sure what about until he heard 'Travis' and 'Abuse' enter the conversation. He tensed up in his bed. Sal was telling her.

"Alright we'll get him into the laws hands, he won't touch that boy."

Travis day up straight with all the strength left in him.

"Trav!" Sal exclaimed as he ran and hugged the fragile boy. Sals prosthetic wasn't on and nuzzled his screwed up face into Travis' chest.

"Mr. Phelps your not going home, I'm going to look into a foster home for you or try to get your father evicted from the home. Sal told me everything," Nurse Clancy said stepping towards Travis.

"Wait but-" Travis started tearing up.

"What's wrong? You won't have to face your dads abuse anymore, you'll even be free to date me!" Sal smiled.

"But he's my dad, that's the worst part about his abuse is he's my dad. He's always been my dad and even though h-he's put me through w-way more than he should've. I still love him," Travis ranted.
The sentence hung in the room like a noose until Sal rested his hand on Travis' shaking leg and sighed, "I'll be here for you forever baby boy."

Their lips met and they kissed again. This time Travis didn't want to die, he'd never felt so alive.

HI WELCOME TO CHILIES. Alright my bros happy Valentine's Day. I felt like I NEEDED to get one out today because it's Valentine's Day. Give me your thoughts on this story in the comments because I need those. Have a great day dudes!

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