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Travis looked into Sals vibrant blue eyes.
"Wait, What?" He said pulling away from the warm kiss.

Sal froze up. Words seemed to have just spewed from his lips. He still didn't know how he felt, but he didn't want to tell Travis anything.
"I dunno."

"This is wrong, I'm wrong aren't I," Travis began, "god will never love me. I need to get help!" He began sobbing again.

"Travis no that's not what I meant, I just-" Sal stopped himself and let Travis lean into his chest, Travis declined, stood up and headed for Sal's bedroom.

"I'm gonna go apologize," he said.

"Apologize? To who?" Sal said reaching his hand out.


It was 8:00 when Travis left and went home to see his mom. Sal walked him to he entrance of Addison Apartments and was slightly realized when he left. He headed for the elevator and directly ran into Todd and Larry.

"Hey bros, how ya doing?" Sal asked kind of awkwardly.

"I told him about Travis," Larry said giving Sal a bro hug.

"He just left, I kissed him again because he was fucking rambling about needing me," Sal said. "I guess it was just to shut him up though."

"You know we would all except you if you are gay though, right Sally Face?" Todd asked patting Sal of the shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm not worried about what you guys think of my sexuality. That shouldn't even be a question in our group, we all love you, Todd," Sal didn't wanna make it seem like he was homophobic or anything. Travis was a good person really, Sal just wasn't sure.

"Maybe your Bi or Pan or something!" Larry threw out the idea to Sal.

"Yeah, good point. I've been in a relationship with a girl before. But I don't even know if I like boys,"

Sal your getting all corny about sexuality now. Maybe just try something out with Travis, if you don't feel any emotional connection to him, end it and be friends," Todd said as we began walking out front again.

"Good point, but Travis can be kind of an ass, he needy and traumatized." Sal was ranting. "I shouldn't be talking about Travis like this behind his back. I'd rather talk shit to his face then behind his back."
The rest of the group spent time in the yard and hung out like usual until dinner at Larry's house again.

Travis' mom was home and he felt remotely safe from his dad again. But she didn't ask about the bruises on his arms and his cheeks. She didn't ask about the scab on his lip. She simply viewed it as normal and hugged him goodnight that night.

It was Sunday when Sal and Travis saw one another again. Travis knocked on Sals door and began sobbing onto his shoulder. Henry was watching the entire thing became heavily confused very quickly. Henry was the type of dad that if his son came out he would throw a gay party. He wasn't at all homophobic and he didn't instantly assume that Sal was gay.

"Travis w-what's going on?" Sal said side eyeing his dad.

"M-my dad at church and I-I just want-" Sal moves them to his bedroom without breaking the hug. Damn it hurt to see the other boy like this. Sals heart began beating hard and for the first time since Travis and him became friends he felt like he needed Travis as bad as Travis need him.

"I'm gonna take off my prosthetic okay?" He said as he unbuckled the two black straps that held his mask on and slid off the mask.

"Wow," Travis said, he looked away for a moment. Sal was used to it, the only people who didn't look away when they saw his face were Larry and Ash. "Your skin, it's so," Travis ran his fingers over Sals nose and cheek covered in scars and rough bumps. "So cool," He said as he stopped crying and wrapped his arms around Sals neck. Sal began tearing up now.

"I want you to kiss me Travis, I want you to be with me," Sal said as he grabbed the back of Travis' head and touched his rough forehead to Travis' bruised one. They're lips met and for the first time in a while, Sal was in love.

I know that was short but I liked how I ended that chapter and it's kind of a good cliffhanger. My story's gaining support and it's a nice feeling. Have a good rest of your night/day!

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