Authors Note

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in preface,

it's 2023 now, i wrote this story back in 2018 and i am not proud of it but oh my god it's so fucking funny yall

1000% never updating it again but it's a treat from me to you cause jesus this is some real tumblr 12 year old content

i write poetry now!! i've been nominated for a couple small scale awards and stuff so if you want the link to my collection i can totally put it in the comments

having said all that in hopes anyone who reads this understands the author has no dignity, i'll let you begin your journey via the original authors note from 12 year old emo holy trinity, brendon urie worshipping, jacksepticeye loving, "smol bean"

hope yall love it. -juno

CIRCA 2018

Hello. So this is a Sally Face and Travis fanfic because if you haven't noticed there aren't a whole lot of fics around them.

First things first, I've got a few things you should all know.

This is a gay ship that is of FICTIONAL characters and if you're homophobic then get off my page.

Last thing before we start there will be a lot of homophobic terminologies because if you've played and/or watched Sally Face then you would know how Travis acts.

Please upvote each chapter of you enjoy it. That'd mean so much to me.

Alright, that's the end of my note. Have fun reading my crappy story.

•discontinued• i need this-Sally Face and TravisWhere stories live. Discover now