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Travis didn't get through much of the day without getting bullied. He couldn't bare it. He new he had been treating them the same way but he didn't think he could handle it. It was last period when Sal approached him again. Travis was in the bathroom crying again. Sal could hear him crying and decided to help.

"Trav..." Sal started. There was a small noise like mental being dropped against tile. Sals heart dropped. "Are you..." Sal paused again and contemplated saying what he was going to. "Self harming?"

There was a whimper from the stall Sal was standing outside. Travis unlocked the door and held his left wrist in his other hand.

"Travis please," Sal said as he touched the boys hand over his bleeding wrist.

"I c-can't do t-this anymore, w-what if something h-happens," Travis sobbed into Sals black sweater.

"You can't hurt yourself, everything is gonna work out in the end," Sal reassures the other boy.

"W-What if my mom doesn't get full custody over me?" Travis said muffled in Sals shirt.

"She will, she's gonna get custody."

Travis had to go to court after school his eyes were red but his mom didn't notice, the bruise under his left eye was still large and noticeable. When Travis arrived in the courtroom he saw his talks father sitting in a chair. They made eye contact and for once Travis felt power of his dad. He felt like maybe he could win. As he walked by his father his pride was crushed by a single word escaping the mans mouth,

Travis wanted his strength back he tried so hard to be strong in the moment, he could say anything right now and he wouldn't be hurt.
"Maybe I am," Travis started, he was going to continue before his dad interrupted him again.

"I should've never let you around those gays on that homo school you go to." Travis was stunned and didn't know how to reply but he quickly gathered himself and said,

"Yeah, your right. You probably shouldn't take your kids to Starbucks either they might turn into a freaking latte." Then the jury in his black robes and curly wig entered the room and sat down on his special chair.

Sal was anxiously waiting for the call from Travis, he was either going to live safely with his mom or be stuck in an abusive home again. Sals mind went back to the bathroom earlier. The cuts down the blonde boys wrist, the blade on the bathroom floor and the tears in both their eyes. That's when the call came. Sals phone vibrated aggressively on the bed next to him and he instantly picked up.


"Hey I've got good new and uh- bad news," Travis said anxiously into the phone.

"Give me the bad news first," Sal replied.

"Okay," Travis inhaled. "My dad isn't getting arrested."

"Shit, and the good news?"

"We were able to file a restraining order against him," Travis sighed as the words escaped his mouth. They both knew that the years of abuse should send any man to jail.
"He's gonna move in with a friend outside of Nockfell." Travis finished.

"Well, at least you'll be safe," Sal huffed.

There was a whimper through the phone before Sal could hear strong choppy sobs over the line.

"I-I'm Sorry I'm so upset all the time Sal," Travis cried.

"No, no I understand. Your trying as hard as you can right now and I understand how difficult that is." Sal comforts him.

"I feel like I can't stop hurting everybody I love." Travis gasped.

"Hey, it's gonna be alright. I'm here for you. Forever and always."

Sal didn't really speak to Travis much for the rest of the day, he didn't really speak to anybody. He fell asleep early. But it didn't really feel like sleep, more like he was watching the back of his eyelids.

He woke up around 2:00am it the sound of his phone ringing. It wasn't his alarm though, it was way to early for that and today was Saturday, he wouldn't have set it. He looked down at who was calling, assuming it was a salesperson or something. It was anonymous but it was from(wAiT what state does Sal even live in rn? Anyway that's what it's from) he answered drearily.


"S-Sal? It's Trav. I'm outside of Nockfell. I don't know who brought me here or where I am but I ran and found a phone booth. I heard my dads voice when I woke up, help."

wElp lookie here I wrote another chapter. I'm gonna take a little break because I've got a lot of crap to do soon. Also there are often a lot of typos because I don't look over these ever. Have a decent day homies.

•discontinued• i need this-Sally Face and TravisNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ