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Travis pulled open the heavy wooden door that leads to his living room. His dad was in the kitchen and Travis tried to avoid him.

"Travis, get over here," His father began. "Where were you?"

"I was with a friend, w-why?" He slowly walked towards his dad.

"Was this friend female?" He started saying harshly stepping towards the boy.

"N-n-no, dad." His father aggressively pushed him down, Travis was lying face first on the floor. His dad grabbed his blonde hair from behind and began knocking his head against the floor. He hit him oh the neck and grabbed his arms.

"Faggot." Travis was struggling to get up but he couldn't gather enough strength. His father yanked both Travis' arms up and hit him against the floor even harder. He walked away, stepping on Travis' back as he moved. Travis couldn't cry anymore, he was scared and he just wanted to go back to Sal. He wanted to kiss Sal again. He needed it, he needed him. He pushed himself upwards slightly off the floor and attempted to stand up. "Go hang out with your friends, moms getting home tonight and she'll be happy to hear that you're having fun," His dad blurted from the hallway. At this command, Travis stumbled outside of his house and down the road.

He finally arrived at the apartments, Larry and Sal were out front and Larry spotted him first.

"Dude is that Travis?" Larry said pointing out the boy stumbling towards them.

"Oh god," Sal sighed standing up from their spot on the grass.

"No Sally what are you doing?" Larry tried to grab Sal back down but he insisted on going towards Travis.

"Hey Trav, its alright come here," Sally welcomed him over with open arms to which he almost passed out in, he looked sickly. Bruises and blood covered his skin as he cried dry tears into Sal's arms. Larry stood up and followed, looking at the boy in Sally's arms.

"I'll help you get him into the apartments"," Larry offered to hold up Travis' head. "It's gonna be okay, your safe now."

Once they got Travis into Sal's apartment and laying on the couch they left him to sleep.

"What the fuck is going on Sal?" Larry asked as they entered Sal's bedroom. The circles under his eyes were dark but his eyes looked concerned.

"Travis is going through a lot and long story short, he's gay. For me," Sal said darting his eyes around the room.

"What? Mr. homophobic Christian has a crush on Mr. Sally Face?" Larry joked, the same hint of concern in his tone of voice. Sal laughed kinda awkwardly.

"Yeah, the poor boy." They sat and stared at one another for a while before they both heard a tiny cry coming from the living room. Sal and Larry both sprinted out to see what was going on. Travis was on the couch where they left him shaking.

"Travis, hey it's alright I'm here," Sal started to say as he leaned close to the other boy.

"Oh god, I love you, Sally," Travis began, "I wanna be with, I just-" He just kept muttering and reaching up for Sal. Larry stood behind them slightly confused. Travis just kept saying stuff partially inaudible.

"Travis calm down I'm right here with you," Sal said touching his shoulder and helping him sit up.

"Dude, we should call 911." Larry suggested.

"About what?" Sal was trying to talk to Larry but Travis, like an eager cat to food was just holding on to Sal whimpering.

"What do you need Travis?" Sal asked stroking his hair.

"Y-you. I need you to get me out of this mess," he said as he leaned his head into Sal. "I want you to kiss me again or something, I-I dunno-o," Travis stuttered rapidly.

"Wait hold on, you two kissed?" Larry asked still baffled by the entire situation.

"Larry, I'll have a discussion about it with your dumb ass later," Sal averted his attention from Travis for a moment. "Sorry Larry, I-I'm not sure why I said that, sorry." Sally apologized repeatedly.

"No dude it's fine I-I understand," Larry said a little startled.

"Sally Face..." Travis complained. "I wanna kiss you, oh pleas-"

"Travis! I'm not your personal make out doll. I'm a person too, I know you're going through a lot but you can't just make me kiss you whenever you want. We're not a couple!" Sal snapped at him. Travis shook back and held his hands up in self defense. Sal didn't move. "I'm not gonna hit you Trav." Travis leaned closer and began to try and unbuckle Sally's prosthetic himself.

"If you won't let me," he started.

"Travis! No you can't just-" Sal was fighting back all he could but Travis was fairly strong compared to him. He managed to unbuckled the mask and he leaned towards Sally and kissed him on the cheek
"I said no!" Sally aggressively shoved Travis away, not thinking about his past trauma with abuse. Sal slapped him on the cheek.

"Sal!" Larry exclaimed. Sals eyes widened as he leaned towards Travis, reaching out a hand. And for the first time in awhile Sal began sobbing. Larry rushes to his side and pulled him into a hug. Travis was yelling and Larry was trying to calm the entire situation, with no avail.

"Larry, I'm sorry but can I talk to Travis, alone?" He asked. Larry nodded and left the apartment without a word.

"So you don't actually care about me do you?" Travis ranted. "You care about the fragile gay boy who was crying in the bathroom, you don't want anything to advance between us do you? You just want me to come over and cry because you like seeing others suffer."

"Travis no way, I hate to see you in this condition and I do care about you it's just, I-I'm not sure if I'm even gay," Sally tried to explain.

"Alright so then what? We just become friends?" He asked.

"Yeah I guess so, until I figure out if my sexuality."

"Sal!" Travis yelled, causing the other boy to flinch slightly. "I'm madly fucking in love with you! Every thing about you, your hair your eyes, even your damn stupid prosthetic face!" They just sat and stared for a moment before Sal unbuckled his mask again and leaned in to kiss Travis.

"I love you too."

yEEt. People seem to actually like the things I've made which is strange because I'm not a great writer but alright. Thanks for the support I have been getting from some of you. As always, have a nice day and I'll update as soon as I can.

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