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Maia's POV

I finally feel better I woke up with Maia cuddling me as always I'm not complaining I love her cuddles. I gently got out of bed and went downstairs "Ryan put some clothes on" My dad said noticing I was just in my boxers "How long are you staying here?" I asked "For a while, because there have been some complications at our house. Now, put some clothes on" My dad said "No, it's my house I can wear them if I want" I said and my dad glared at me.

I sighed and walked upstairs going into my room seeing Maia cuddling up to the sheets. I went into the closet and got a hoodie out and a pair of sweatpants and put them on. I walked back out and lightly kissed Maia on the head.

I walked out of my room and went downstairs and walking to the kitchen making myself a tea and some cereal. I walked back into the living room sitting down putting my tea and eating my cereal.

Soon after I finished my cereal Maia sleepily walked into the living room in my hoodie and some shorts that you couldn't see. She came over to me and cuddled up to me "What's wrong baby?" I asked "Tired. Want cuddles" She said I wrapped my arm around her pulling her close

"Brook, come here," I said, "Yea, Rye," He said "Can I have some toast for Mae as well as a red bull she needs it," I said looking down at her kissing her hair brook nodded and walked out. Olivia soon came downstairs.

"Hey, Rye good morning is Maia not wearing pants," Olivia said loud enough that my dad came in "What. Why doesn't she have any on" My dad said "She does. There just shorts she's just wearing my hoodie and it's oversized so it covers them" I explained pulling the hoodie up a little so you could see them and they both sat down. Brook brought in the toast and the red bull "Thanks Brook, Maia you've got some toast and a red bull on the table" I said and she started to eat it and opened the can taking a sip.

"So why are you addicted to red bull" My mum asked "Well, Andy had this friend and his cousin drinks it and I had one and I haven't stopped drinking them. It's not like I'm addicted but I do drink like 2 or 3 a day well I do now I used to drink like 4 or 5 a day" Mae explained finishing her toast.

Maia has been clingy again all day. We were watching teen wolf because she wanted to.  I didn't really mind I liked spending time with her "Baby, are you okay?" I questioned "Yeah I'm fine"  She replied "I'm going to go take a nap if that's okay," She said I nodded kissing her cheek and she went upstairs and so did I but I went to take a shower. I went into my bathroom and stripped and then got in the shower.

After my shower, I wrapped a towel around my waist and went and put a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a t-shirt on. I walked to my bed and saw Alysa cuddled up in my sheets I kissed her on the head before leaving the room. I went into the living and sat with Mikey and Brook "Hey, Rye has Mae been clingy again?" Brook asked, "Yea, why?" I questioned "It might that time of the month for her," Brook said. I thought for a moment "Oh her period" I said, Brook, nodded "I'll go check on her soon" I said sitting down.

After about an hour I walked upstairs to our room and went into the room. "Baby, c'mon wake up" I whispered in her ear. I pulled the sheets and realised there was blood on the bed "Baby you're bleeding, wake up" I said shaking her. She woke up and saw the blood "I'm sorry" She whispered looking down "Why are you saying sorry? C'mon get up" I said pulling her up hugging her "Because I bled on your bed" She said "Babe, you're bleeding and you can't control it. I will wash the sheets and put new ones on. Babe, it's okay get in the shower or get a bath and get cleaned up. I'll clean the sheets and then we can watch as many episodes of teen wolf as you want." I said kissing her.

She walked to the bathroom and then I pulled the sheets off changing them. I took the dirty one downstairs "Son, what are you doing why isn't Michael doing that?" My dad asked, "Because it's my wife's period blood and I don't think Mikey would want to clean that." I said putting them in the wash.

Maia came downstairs and started to kiss me I kissed her back my arms wrapping around her waist and her arms snaking around my neck. I lifted her up onto the side not breaking the kiss I slipped my tongue into her mouth "Um, what are you two doing?" Olivia asked making us two pulling apart I turned around Mae hiding in my back "We were making out now leave us alone Olivia why do you have to keep annoying us I don't understand it." I said picking Maia up and carrying her.

I think I like you (Rye Beaumont)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz