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Maia's POV 

I woke up before Rye for once. I was wearing one of his hoodies. I got up to get a drink, so I went downstairs and got a drink of water. I went back to bed and Rye was looking for me.

"Babe, I'm fine I just went to get a drink" I said getting back in bed. Rye cuddled back up to me "Baby, please don't leave again" Rye said his voice raspy. "Okay, I won't" I reassured him. "Can we spoon?" He asked quietly "Sure, baby do you want to be the little spoon or the big spoon," I asked "Can I please be the little spoon, please baby?" He begged "Yeah of course baby" I said and he turned around and I started to spoon him and he soon fell back asleep.

"C'mon you two wake up" I heard someone say and I opened my eyes to see Mikey stood there. I looked at Rye, who I was still spooning. "Um, Mikey I don't want to wake him up, he's sleeping so peacefully," I said  "Okay, well call me when he wakes up just tell me," Mikey said quietly shutting the door. I laid back down and tried to fall back asleep.

"What are you two still doing asleep! Wake up now!" I heard a voice yell. I groaned before saying Rye's dad stood looking angry in our room. I felt Rye move but he was just cuddling up to me. "Well, Rye is still asleep I think he's sick, so please let him sleep." I calmly said.

"Ryan Leonard Beaumont wake up." His dad said and Rye groaned "Dad, please let me sleep, I have a really bad headache, my stomach hurts and my throat is hurting" Rye said it's obvious he was losing his voice "Get up Ryan." His dad said and then left.

Rye sighed and sat up "Babe, just go back to sleep," I said "No, cause then he'll yell at me again and I can't be bothered for him to make my headache worse" He tried to say and got up and put a hoodie on he grabbed my hand and we went downstairs "Morning. Mikey please can we have two teas. Can Rye's be maybe a ginger tea or something like that? I think he's sick" I said. Mikey nodded before heading into the kitchen.

I took Rye into the living room where his family was and we sat down, he snuggled into me and I put my arm around him "Okay here you two be careful it's hot." Mikey said handing us the teas. "Thank you," I said and Rye started drinking his tea. "So Rye how come you didn't wake up earlier," Olivia asked "I feel sick, that's why as I said earlier I have a headache, my stomach hurts and my throat hurts," He said and I decided to cuddle him.

"Baby, let me up a minute, I need the toilet," Rye said and he looked really pale. I let go of him and he shot up heading towards the bathroom. After a few minutes, Rye had not come back so I went to see where he was. I opened the bathroom door and saw Rye gagging "Babe, what's wrong" I asked "I just threw up, I feel like death" He said looking like he was going to cry.

"Aww, babe don't cry it's okay to be sick, go lie down in the living and I'll get you some food." I said helping him up "Also babe, I'll get you a new hoodie from our room." I said and he nodded walking to the front room "Brook, please can you go keep an eye on Rye as he is not feeling well" I said and he nodded and started to head towards the living room.

I walked up the stairs and got Rye a hoodie this one

 then went back downstairs "Here babe put this one" I said passing it to him and he took his other one-off "I'll be back in a couple minutes," I said going to the kitchen

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 then went back downstairs "Here babe put this one" I said passing it to him and he took his other one-off "I'll be back in a couple minutes," I said going to the kitchen. I then made him some soup and got him another tea with honey and lemon as that is what Andy made me when I was sick. "Here you go babe," I said giving him them. I felt his forehead and he was burning up "Baby how do you feel?" I asked "I feel cold and like death" He said.

He ate his soup and drank his tea. I got up to go do some work for Rye as he was sick. So I was sat in the office doing some of his like filling out forms and paperwork and stuff like that. I heard the door open and saw Rye stood there "Baby, come cuddle me. I wanna cuddle" He said I sighed and stood up I shut the laptop and put the paper away "Were you doing my work for me?" He asked "Yeah, I was," I said he pulled me towards the living room and we sat down.

Rye was hugging me and I started to get warm but I couldn't take Rye's hoodie off because of my arms and what I did to them the other night when Rye was asleep. Rye noticed I was warm "Baby, just take the hoodie off," He said "Yeah, um I will. I'm just going to get a drink" I said standing up and going to find brook.

I knocked on his door and he answered. I just broke down in his arms "Woah, Woah Mae what's wrong?" He asked "I did it brook, I did it. I lied to Rye" I cried "What did you do... oh Mae cm'here " He said hugging me.

After a while I calmed down and went back down and hugged Rye "Baby, you've been crying why? I won't be mad please just tell me" He said "I um I... I c....cut" I said looking down. Rye lifted my head up with his fingers "Baby, it's okay, well it isn't but still, I'm not mad .Give me your wrists" He said and I did.

He kissed my scars and rubbed his fingers over them and then kissed my cheek.

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