Puppets- Biadore

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A/n- This is just a tiny drabble, I think next Monday I'll be posting something for Kayta?

We were laying in bed, having one of those days. Neither of us got up beside to use the bathroom. Roy and I like to have lots of these days because most of the time we have is spent on tours or drag shows. We didn't talk while I scrolled Instagram and took random selfies, Roy pulling weird faces.

As I continued scrolling I found a video of season 6, the puppet episode. I smiled at all the memories of season 6. "Roy?"


"Remember the puppet mini challenge? " He nodded. "You could have done so much worse, I think you're getting soft, grandma."

"Shut it, bitch. You know I don't like making fun of you. You're too sweet, and you know I would have dragged any of the other queens. You're just special."

"Aww! You love me!" I kissed his cheek that hasn't been shaven in a few days, slightly painful against my lips.

"Yes I do, you dumb Libra." Most likely, I have a dumb and lovesick smile on my face. 

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