(| Seven |)

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When the first day of school finally arrives, Izumi is up with the sun. 

A set of yoga later she took a shower, being careful to not get her mess of curls wet-she had washed them last night and they would never dry before class. Izumi dressed in her uniform, looking up a tutorial on how to tie a tie, and grabbed her yellow backpack. 

Her mother had made a full breakfast, for not just them but for both her teachers. Aki-San and Kami-San had come over to wish her well and see her off on her first day of school. 

"Oh don't you look just as cute as a button?!" Kami-San shouted, rushing over to hold her pupil against herself, tucking the young girl against her chest. "Is that the headband I gave you? Aw, it's so cute!" The headband she spoke of was thin, red, and simple except the ornate butterfly decoration sat on the right side. It matched her shoes and Kami-San had insisted on getting it for her. 

"You look adorable, Darling." Inko praised, fawning over her daughter from the Dance Instructor's side.

Aki-San smirked as he finally stood up. "Quite pretty, and you know what this means." Izumi tilted her head, confused. "If anyone give you trouble, you send them my way when you're done with them." The girl went bright red at her sensei acting so protective. "Do you have all your things?" 

"Sent the suit in three days ago, with all the equipment. All my books and notebooks I will need are in my bag. I have my back-up fan and bow on me, plus I already added a set of my Boosters onto my shoes." Her green eyes got the familiar determined glint, fist balled up in front of her chest as she puffed out her cheeks. 

She looked adorable yet terrifying with the emerald fire that drove her soul on display. 

Aki-San nodded, smiling, then they all sat down to eat before the girl had to go. 

Izumi was not the first one into the class, only behind because her teachers and her mother had clung onto her until she just couldn't wait any more. 

Sat in the corner desk, his feet up on the table, tie nowhere to be found, and smirk in place, Katsuki Bakugo was arguing with the kid that had shouted at Present Mic before the exam. 


"Deku . . ." Bakugo growled when he saw her, red eyes ablaze. 

Izumi huffed a breath, rolling her eyes, as she took a seat near the front and besides the door. 

The blue haired boy came up to her as she arranged her things. "Hello, I am Iida Tenya, from Someii Junior High. We shared a testing sight. I must commend you on your actions against the Zero-Pointer. I'm afraid to admit I had seen the girl you saved, yet my logic reasoned that it was a test and that she would be fine. I should not have acted in this way, you clearly were the better test taker that day!" His hands moved almost like a robot's, chopping the air to emphasize his words. 

"I remember you," Izumi stood back up and bowed her head before holding her hand out for him to shake. "I am Midoriya Izumi. Thank you for your praise. Though I have to apologize for my words after the test, I had adrenaline  pumping and my head was not the clearest. You were right to assume she would be fine, I just couldn't help jumping in. It's no one's fault. And we are here to train for that sort of thing, anyway!" A bright smile took over her freckled cheeks, eyes closed as she grinned. 

"Oh! It's you!" The brown haired girl from the exam chimmed in, hopping over to them. "I'm Uraraka Ochaco! It's nice to finally meet you properly!" Her voice was as sweet as her appearance. 

"Midoriya Izumi, and this is Iida Tenya." Izumi introduced, smiling softly before her attention snagged on the door opening. Green eyes trained on the yellow . . . thing . . . that flopped down in front of the doorway. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2019 ⏰

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