✨3:3✨ Wrong Number

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Jungkook woke up due to something cold that was placed on his forehead, he slowly opened his eyes and tried to remember what happened after some of the events came flowing back his mind. He looked to his side and saw Taehyung seated next to him,"where i am?" Jungkook looked around the room since he didn't recognize the bright and colorful walls.

"You're at my place since i thought it was to dangerous for you to say back there" Jungkook tried to nod his head in agreement as he knew that Taehyung was referring to his own house,"okay" Jungkook slowly tried to lift himself up but was quickly pushed down onto the cushion,"don't try to move, you're in a pretty bad state right now"

Jungkook grunted before closing his eyes once again, i guess they really serious about me moving or killing me. Jungkook stayed in thought as Taehyung sighed before walking out of the room to get some ice. Jungkook took this as an opportunity to leave bug when he tried to place his foot on the ground he was met my a sharp pain,"ow" Jungkook silently whined.

Some seconds later Jungkook began to panic due to some footsteps, he quickly jumped back onto the bed and put the covers over him, the same with the cold towel on his forehead,"Jungkook do you mind if i place some ice on your foot, it's currently broken and has a pretty big bruise" Jungkook slowly nodded that he was okah with the older helping him.

"why didn't you just call the hospital instead of taking card of me yourself?" Taehyung glanced at the younger before speaking,"i did call the hospital but they said that all the doctors were busy with some severe cases besides i have been helping others before so i know what i'm doing"

"alright" Jungkook sighed as a tear managed to escape his tired eyes,"so when can i leave your place, i need to be somewhere else before this weekend" upon hearing those words Taehyung felt his heart ache a little

" it would be best for you if you would to stay here, longer then the weekend. its dangerous for you to be alone" Jungkook sighed before nodding, he didn't want to do this tbe hard way but he didn't have a choice.

"Oh and Jungkook i need to leave tomorrow for school but i'll stay with you today" perfect, Jungkook didn't want to hurt Taehyung but he has no choice. "Taehyungie can you make me some food, i'm really hungry" Teahyung nodded before walking out of the room,"I'll just heat up the ramen that i took with to your house"


When the ramen was done Taehyung had feed Jungkook and after that Jungkook had asked the older to read some books which Taehyung had agreed to and now the sun was setting,"Taehyungie can you hug me?" Jungkook looked at Taehyung with big eyes but Taehyung only sighed.

"I don't want to accidentally make your wound's worse" Taehyung was about to leave to room but stopped when Jungkook spoke,"please" Taehyung turned around and slightly smiled at the younger,"okay"

Taehyung gently laid down on the bed and hugged the younger, a smile plastered on his face,"goodnight Kookie" he gently placed a kiss on Jungkook's head and soon the older fell asleep.

"Goodbye TaeTae"

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