OS: How it started..

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At a coffee shop..
Khushi’s POV

Tapping my feet impatiently waiting for my coffee to arrive, I looked at my surroundings with everyone satisfied with their orders and happily having their coffee, their sweets, their sandwiches and so on! Only I was made to wait like this, just for one coffee!

“Unbelievable..” I rolled my eyes. Perhaps my friends were right, if I had a boyfriend then all this wait wouldn’t been noticed by me, I would have been happily chatting with him just like the couple at the table in front of me and time would just pass by.

The waiter came towards me breaking my thoughts; he placed the coffee on my table with a sweet smile as if he doesn’t know how much I was waiting for my coffee.

In return, I unwillingly vent out my frustration on him with a glare, which didn’t seem to affect him.


“Well.. your eyes are beautiful, but I prefer mine, because without mine I cannot see yours ..” the waiter said smirking.

“Excuse me.. do you even know what you’re saying?” Khushi widened her eyes.

“The truth!” he shrugged his shoulder as if he doesn’t know what he just did.

“Don’t cross your limits Mr.. I will complain to your manager, first you made me wait for this coffee for so long and now flirting with me!” she said rudely.

“I’m not flirting with you! I think I’m falling for you..” he smiled.

“What the.. You just saw me now and already fell in love?” she asked sarcastically.

“Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I come through here one more time?” he smirked.

“Very funny.. Keep your flirting lines for yourself and use it for another girl, not me..” she looked at him sharply, “I’m Khushi Kumari Gupta, do you get that?”

“Beautiful name just like the owner!” he smirked again, irritating her more. Khushi just left the coffee untouched, and left from there angrily.

“Arnav yaar.. what happened?” a man of his age came running to him with a worried face, “What did you do with her that she left so angry?”

“I just told her that I fell in love with her!” Arnav winked as he took the coffee from the table and sipped it.

“What? Are you mad or what Arnav? Do you even know who is she? Khushi Kumari Gupta! Owner of KK fashion industry.. Do you know who her father is? Shashi Gupta, owner of KK’s hotel.. And do you know my manager? Arnav if she complains to my manager, then I’m going to be fired for letting you work on my place! I shouldn’t have given this responsibility to you! I’m trapped!” his friend cried.

“Do you know who I’m? Arnav Singh Raizada! Owner of AR..” he said proudly.

“Are you comparing your starting company to hers?” his friend mocked him.

“One day I will reach to her level okay.. I trust my capabilities!” he raised his brows, “And it’s your mistake to ask me to do this job, how do you even handle so many orders at one time? I delayed on getting her coffee that’s why she got angry..”

“WHAT? Arnav you should have attended her first.. Oh God, what I’m going to do with you? And what’s going to happen with me now? My boss will kill me for sure!” Akash, his friend widened his eyes.

“And..” Arnav gulped, “I .. said some romantic lines to her.. she said she would really complain to the manager!” he looked at Akash with sorry look.

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