Chapter 39

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After Vivienne and Happy have declared that they have love for each other, Vivienne took time to think about how she’s been behaving lately. She has made a big decision regarding what to do.

She is sitting in her office, with Leigh and Chris sitting in front of her. She looks at them and smiles, “I want to talk to you both about something I’ve recently decided. But before I do, I want to fill you on some things.” she says. Leigh and Chris nod and she continues, “Me and Happy Lowman are...together. We’ve slept together, more than once. And just recently, we both realized it was more than that.” she says.

Leigh nods, “The chemistry between you two is undeniable. I know Tony wasn't the most enthusiastic when it came to you and Happy, but rest assured, Vivienne, I’m not going to try and convince you to do anything with that relationship. I’m fine with it.” Leigh says.

Chris nods, “Me too, Viv.” he says. Vivienne smiles, “Thank you for that. I’m glad you brought up Tony. That’s what I was going to talk about next. Ever since I had to kill him, my mind has been scattered. I didn't know how to handle it. But now I do. Which is why I’ve decided to take a little break from business for a little while. A month, tops.” Vivienne says.

Leigh and Chris look at each other in shock, “What are you talking about?” Chris asks. Vivienne leans in closer to them, “I’m talking about how I’m going to Chicago for a bit. I need time to clear my head. Get my mind back together. Grieve, cope, forget.” she replies.

“Well, what about business? The weed, the club?” Leigh asks. Vivienne looks at him, “We’ll be making some stops today. To the Niners, to Nero, I’ll make arrangements. Then we’ll have to stop by the Sons.” Vivienne says.

Leigh nods, “Are you sure you want to do this Vivienne?” he asks. Vivienne nods, “I'm sure. You won't have to handle business completely, but just keep some tabs.” she says.

“When are you leaving?” Chris asks. “Tomorrow.” she replies. Leigh and Chris look at each other and give small nods. “If you don't have any more questions, I suggest we get going. We’ve got a big day ahead.” she says. Leigh nods and gets up, “Let’s do it.” he says.


Vivienne has pulled up to the docks where Tyler and the Niners are waiting for her. Tyler notices her approaching, “Vivienne. When you called, it sounded really important.” he says.

“It is. You’re getting your first weed shipment and we need to discuss a few things.” she says. She looks back at Chris and he brings the weed, “Two bags. 25 lbs. in each. Grand total is $250,000. You don't have to pay here and now, but you’ll have to pay while I’m gone.” she says.

Tyler looks up at her, “Gone? What do you mean?” he asks. Vivienne nods, “You remember Tony? My lead guard?” Tyler nods. “A couple of weeks ago, I had to kill him. He ratted on me, that’s why I got sent to jail. Lately, it’s been taking a serious toll on me. I’ve been more distant, ruthless. I decided I need to take a small break from running a criminal enterprise.” she chuckles.

“How long are you going to be gone? Where are you going?” Tyler asks her. “I’m going to Chicago for about a month. I’ll probably be back before you need another shipment. There’s a lot there. My guys will be keeping tabs, but not running the business entirely.” she says.

Tyler nods and hands the bags to a man behind him, “You need a break. I get it. You and Tony were close, I could tell. Losing someone like that, I’ve seen it crush the hardest G.” he says.

Vivienne nods and looks at her feet. Tyler comes up and shakes her hand, “You’re a strong woman, Vivienne. The strongest woman I’ve ever met, I think. You take your time. Come back whole.” he says.

Vivienne smiles at him, “Thank you, Tyler.” she replies. She lets go of his hand, “I have to go. More business to tie up.” she says.

Tyler nods, and she walks away. She waves back at him as she goes to her cars.


Vivienne is sitting inside Amour with Nero, after having explained her plans. He understands, he knows that she will need a moment. “I was hoping you could take care of my club while I’m gone.” she says.

He nods, “Of course. Take all the time you need, Vivienne.” he says. Vivienne nods and shakes his hand, “Thank you, Nero. It means a lot to me.” she says.

She waves at all of her girls, “I’ll be back soon, ladies. You’re in good hands with Nero.” she says. They nod and she leaves, “Let’s get to the clubhouse.” she says.


She pulls into the lot and gets out and Jax walking out, “Vivienne. What are you doing here?” he asks her.

She smiles at him, “I came to talk to you guys. But I want to apologize for how I was the other day.” she says.

Jax nods, “It’s fine. You’re going through it. Grief does that to you. Now come on, let’s talk.” he says as he leads her into the clubhouse.

They go into the clubhouse and Jax calls Church. They all go into the Chapel and sit down.

“I know my relationship with the Sons of Anarchy has been a ride. I came here to thank you for what you did for me, which didn't end well, but I hope I got my point across.” she says.

She sees the Sons around her nod and she continues, “I want to apologize for how I was the other day. It was out of line. On that day, I realized, with the help of Happy, that I have not been myself. I’m not doing well. My mind has been so plagued with grief and anger, that I have been rushing into things, going off half-cocked.” she says.

She lets out a breath, “I’ve decided I need to take a break from running my business. I’m leaving tomorrow for Chicago. I’ll probably be gone for about a month.” she says.

She hears some what’s around the table and the Sons look at one another, “I need a break to gather myself. Come back to earth and grieve. I need to cope, forget, and move on. When I come back, I promise you I won't be like I was.” she says.

Jax nods, “We understand, Vivienne. You take the time you need. We’ll help you out.” he says.

She smiles, “Thank you, Jackson. My business won't be completely active, my guys will be keeping some tabs but that’s about it, besides the minor things I asked them to do.” she says. The Sons nod and she stands up, “We’ll walk out with you.” Jax says as they all stand up.

They go and walk out of the clubhouse together. She turns around and shakes hands with all of the Sons. Tig stops her and pulls her in for a hug. She lets out a small chuckle, “Be good, Tigger.” she says.

Tig laughs, “Of course, doll.” he says. She pulls away and looks at Happy. “Let’s talk.” Happy says.

Vivienne nods and they walk towards the office, to get out of earshot of the Sons. “You’re really doing this, little girl?” he asks.

She nods, “I have to, Happy.” she says. He nods, “Will we talk while you’re gone?” he asks.

Vivienne shakes her head, “No. I’m sorry, but I need my head to be clear. But I won't forget about you.” she says as pokes his side, giving him a smirk.

He chuckles, and hugs her, “You come back, little girl. Stronger than ever. I’m counting on it.” he says. She smiles, “Will do, Killa.” she says.

He pulls back, “I love you.” he whispers. Vivienne nods, “So do I.” she says. He leans in and kisses her hard. She reciprocates the kiss and puts her hands on his shoulders.

They soon hear whistles and howls from the Sons, and Vivienne chuckles against his lips and pulls back. “I guess the secret’s out, hm?” she says.

Happy smiles and nods. She pulls back, squeezing his hand before she lets go. She goes back to her cars, waving at the Sons as she goes, and blows a kiss to Happy.

A/N: If you might be thinking this is the ending, it isn’t!

Force To Be Reckoned With [Happy Lowman x OC] | #Wattys2019Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum