Chapter 1

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She stands on the side of the room as her guards beat a man who refused to pay one of her escort girls. She watches as he groans with pain, twirling the wad of cash between her fingers that he finally paid her until after it was too late.

Vivienne Reid is the owner, facilitator, and assumed Queen of her father’s criminal enterprise. She is a tall, independent woman, with dark red hair that flows down to the tops of her breasts. She’s 27 years old, a California native. Her dark brown eyes went with her tan complexion. Her lips were always shaded to the colour of her hair. She wears a dark pant-suit. The only piece of jewelry on her is a ring her father gave her when she was 7 years old, a little bit before he died.

Vivienne is a very intelligent woman. She knows when someone lies, and when someone speaks the truth. She has an almost expert knowledge in psychology, she could manipulate you easily. She can be a kind and understanding woman. But, she can also be incredibly ruthless and violent.


“Vivienne, Lillian is here to see you.” Regina, Vivienne’s assistant says as she pokes her head through the door. Vivienne nods, “Send her in.” she replies.

Lillian is one of Vivienne’s escort girls. Vivienne insists that if any of them have a problem, they should meet with her personally because she can't be there all the time to oversee everything.

“Hey, Viv.” Lillian says, sitting down. “Hey, honey. What’s up?” Vivienne asks.

“I just wanted to tell you that this guy has been coming to the club, trying to take some of us into his porn business.” Lillian says. Vivienne tilts her head, “Really?” What’s his name?”

“Uh...Georgie Caruso. He left a bunch of those cards yesterday.” she replies, setting a business card on Vivienne’s desk. Vivienne slides it across the desk with her fingers to pick it up and look at it.

“Hm. Do you know if any girls have gone to his studio, looking for work?” Vivienne asks. Lillian shakes her head, “No. None of us want to go. We like what we have with you, we actually kinda prefer working for a woman.” she chuckles.

Vivienne gives her a small smile. She sets down the card, and stands up. “Well, I appreciate you telling me, Lillian. I’ll deal with it today.”

Lillian nods and gets up, “Okay, thanks, Viv.” she smiles and leaves.

Vivienne gathers her things and leaves the office. She goes down to her guards’ room and pokes her head in, “Let’s go. We have to deal with a problem.” They all nod and proceed to go downstairs and get into the SUVs.


“Yeah, that’s it. Just like that, sweetheart!” Georgie yells at one of his actresses as she gives another actor head.

Vivienne walks in, her hands clasped in front of her. There is no one in the main room, so she decides to let herself in. She proceeds to walk further back into what seemed like the set.

“Yes! Oh, you're doing amazing, honey!” Georgie yells. He is unaware of Vivienne’s presence and he keeps filming. The actor finishes and Georgie claps while starting to turn around, only to be face to face with Vivienne, who is significantly taller than him.

“Hello.” Vivienne smirks. “Uh-Uh, h-how did you get back here? Who are you?” Georgie stutters.

“Well, I walked back here. My name is Vivienne Reid. Have you heard of me?” she asks, coyly.

“Reid. I’ve heard of someone important in Oakland named Reid. You’re telling me that’s you?” he asks.

Vivienne nods, “Surprised?” Georgie scoffs, “Yeah, can't believe that a woman is in charge of such a big operation.”

Vivienne chuckles, “Well, that's nice. I’m here because you interfered with my operation. You’ve been coming to my club, and trying to get my girls to” she says, looking around the room.

“Yeah, thought I’d offer them a better work environment.” he replies. Vivienne smirks, “Better? I don't think so. See, when it was brought to my attention, my girl said that she, as well as her co-workers, enjoys working for me, a woman.” she replies.

“Well, they always go for the money, and I can gi-” Georgie starts, but Vivienne interrupts him, “Listen up, Georgie. You don't want to make an enemy of me, just this morning I had a man beat senseless because he didn't pay one of my girls. He’s not gonna be walking anytime soon. So unless you want the same fate, I suggest you fall in line and leave my girls alone.” she says with a stern voice.

“Listen, I’m sorry, please forgive me. I’m already in enough shit with the Sons keeping girls from me and I need girls for my business.” Georgie pleads.

“The Sons? Sons of Anarchy?” Vivienne asks. Georgie nods quickly. “They’re in the porn business?” she asks. He nods again.

Vivienne thinks for a moment, “I’ll make you a deal, Georgie. If you stop trying to recruit my girls into your porn business, I’ll see what I can do about the Sons. No guarantees that every problem will be fixed, but I can try. It’s the better alternative for you.” she says.

Georgie nods, “Please. Yes. I’ll take that deal.” Vivienne nods, “Good.” She turns away and leaves the porn studio.

She gets in her car and calls her assistant, “Regina. I need you to start gathering any information you can about the Sons of Anarchy, in Charming, California.”

Force To Be Reckoned With [Happy Lowman x OC] | #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now