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Bruce wanted a holiday. And who was Thor to deny him that wish? So they planned and planned trying to fulfill each other's desires and wishes for their perfect holiday. In the end they decided on a beach holiday in Germany. You May yourself why Germany? There are way better country's for a beach holiday, but Bruce wanted to learn about a new culture and Thor wanted to see a country where a Germanic language was spoken and they both wanted warmth.

So they are currently in a small rental car trying to explore the area and Bruce is exhausted. The Navigation system was taking them to weird places while they just wanted to go to the beach. On top of all this was the god next to him way too big for their little car so everything was crammed and sweaty in the sizzling summer heat. They were currently on a lonely road just behind a really small neighborhood. Now and then there was a farm on the street much to Thor's amusement since it reminded him of Asgard. One farm was particularly close to the road and Thor absolutely lost it.

„Bruce what are those animals there?" he said excited while trying to get a better look at them through the window.
„Huh? Those are horses I thought you knew that since you had them on Asgard too."

„I thought you didn't have these on earth this is great can we stop for a minute please?" Thor asked with a raised voice.
„Yeah sure I don't see why not since this stupid navigation system is being irrational."

So Bruce pulled over, much to Thor's delight, and they got out of the car. Bruce immediately felt uncomfortable outside of the car without an AC to keep him cold but Thor was in awe.

He was slowly walking up to the horses. They already noticed the two and were curiously walking towards the fence. Thor picked up a handful of grass and gave it to a tall brown horse which took it gratefully.

Bruce looked at the horses a bit closer, there was a white one that was slightly smaller than the brown one and two little Ponys a brown white one and a blonde one.

They seemed very friendly and responsive. Thor seemed to he in heaven. (Or Valhalla for him probably).
„Why did you think we wouldn't have horses? Who told you this?" wondered Bruce.

„Well I went to a pet store once and they didn't have them. So I assumed they don't have them here at all." Thor shrugged at the end of the statement and was now starting to pick some grass to feed the horse.

„Oh they don't sell them in pet stores. You can buy them mostly over the internet and they are very expensive if you want a good one for competitions."
„Oh you have horse competitions on Midgard? We had those too on Asgard! People would sit on horses and fight with weapons!"

„Well that's not exactly what the competitions on earth look like. It's more like jumping, running and dressage competitions."

„Oh I forgot you midgardians have abandoned violence as a form of entertainment for a long time."
Bruce nodded absently and thought about wrestling. It would be better not to tell Thor about that. He might want to try it.

After a few more minutes of Thor gushing over the horses they were ready to leave. Bruce was glad to be back in the car with the ac on. He didn't really expect it to be that hot in Germany. They sat in the tiny car and Thor was listening to his rock music that he found to enjoy a lot. Currently Stairway to heaven was playing and Bruce really enjoys this one. He doesn't really have a musical preference so he lets Thor listen to whatever he wants but this one gave him a relaxed vibe. They were driving along yellow fields while Led Zeppelin was playing in the background. It seemed pretty cool to Bruce. They were on their way to the beach. Thor had never been to one and Bruce hadn't had the pleasure to go to one outside of his constant fleeing from the government. It was kind of new to both of them. Thor was just constantly smiling and looking for new songs to play on his phone. They were content. No danger no need to fight just a couple on a road trip nothing more. Here they weren't superhero's, they were simple tourists. Most importantly simple people.
They arrived at the beach and already had big trouble finding a parking spot for their miniature car. Bruce didn't expect it to be so full here but then again other Germans may be here on vacation too.

When they went to the actual beach Thor was immensely happy. There were a lot of people having fun playing beach volleyball and also a part where dogs were allowed. They didn't get a place where the many people where because it was too full. They were at the very end where a lot of big stones were covering the sand. Thor immediately wanted to go into the water. Bruce didn't. So after putting their towels and their bag down Thor sat there and pouted. He didn't come here to get a tan he wanted to have fun! Bruce was laying there trying to tan his naturally olive colored skin even more.

Thor was really close to ask other people if they wanted to go swimming with him but didn't. Only because he noticed that German people are very reserved and don't react well to things like this. He learned that the hard way. But that's a story for another time.

Bruce couldn't stand seeing his boyfriend sitting there, pouting like a five year old so he agreed to go swimming with him.

„Ouch it's cold." Thor kinda shrieked and laughed after putting his feet into the water.

„Well what did you expect it's the sea after all."
„I don't know it's so warm outside that I expected it to be warmer."

Once Thor got used to the temperature he really started to go wild. Doggy paddling, splashing Bruce with water and picking him up and throwing him. It was a great day and no one expected anything of them. They came back to their hotel immensely happy and satisfied.

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