Selfcare day

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Bruce was stressed. And for him that was probably pretty normal but not for Thor. It was pure hell to see his boyfriend like that. Flimsy, constantly on the edge, always trying to finish another science project he was working on and the worst of it all: coming home late at night completely ignoring Thor and even their cat Finndus before finally falling into his bed, sleeping a few hours and then getting up really early to repeat all that. It has been going on for months now and Thor was getting tired of it. His boyfriend needed to be protected from himself. On Asgard, Thor remembered, Loki and his Mother used to do occasional „Self-care days" as they called it. He wondered if people on earth did this too and promptly decided to google it. He instantly landed on hundreds of Twitter and Instagram pages and decided to finally make use of the account Loki had created for him. Thor realized that these self care days on earth were not that much different from the ones on Asgard and put himself to work to make a perfect one for Bruce. But not without consulting his brother at first who was a known expert on the matter. Loki recommended some stores to him and told him what to get there.
First he took the subway to a store named Lush. Loki told him it wouldn't be hard to find since you could literally smell it from a mile away and he was absolutely right. The strong smell flew right into Thors nose but it wasn't an unpleasant one per say. The employees there were very helpful and soon Thor left with three bath bombs, two containers of facemasks, a body lotion he bought because it had the same smell as a flower from Asgard and a really nice smelling soap bar. He knew exactly that he didn't need all of this but the smells were too tempting. Next on was Ikea. Thor was there with Bruce once when they needed to buy furniture for their apartment. He really enjoyed it there, since the language the furniture was named in, resembled the one they spoke on Asgard.
After navigating through the huge building Thor finally left with with three huge vanilla scented candles and several tea lights. Bruce once said that the vanilla scented candles are the only ones he could actually stand the smell of and Thor felt pretty proud to remember that.
And lastly he went to the grocery store to get some supplies to make them breakfast in the morning.
When he finally gets home its around 6pm and Bruce still isn't there. Thor sighed loudly he really hoped that a miracle would happen and Bruce would be magically sitting on the couch already. Thor decided to just put the stuff he bought into his side of the closet, make himself some tea and wait for Bruce to get home. Once he is there he will confront him about staying home tomorrow and spending a day with his (hopefully still) beloved boyfriend. Thor needed to wait a long time before Bruce finally decided to show up at their apartment.
He looked dead tired and ready to pass out. Thor watched him take his coat off while he stood in the doorway to the living room, hands wrapped around his hot mug of tea, thinking about what to say, before he decided on a simple:
„Hey baby how are you?"
„Fine but knackered. I'm gonna go straight to bed if you don't mind."
„Actually, yes I do mind."
Bruce head shot up in surprise. He didn't look angry though, to Thor's relief. More curious.
„Elaborate on that sweetie." He mumbled while walking into the kitchen.
Thor followed him suit and said: „I wanted to talk to you about the fact that you have been working so much lately. I really dont think that this is healthy at all and I would really appreciate it if you'd take some time off."
Bruce visibly winced and stopped preparing his tea. The Elephant in the room has been addressed. He knew that this would happen eventually but he never really prepared for it.
So he carefully began talking: „I know Thor its been hard for you, but I'm almost finished with the project and-
Thor began walking towards him and laughed humorlessly while saying: „I am going to stop you right there. I dont care if this project is almost done or whatever. We're going to have a great day tomorrow okay? I have some relaxing things planned for you."
Bruce almost started to argue again but decided against it upon seeing his boyfriends stern face.
He just fell forwards into Thors chest and mumbled a muffled yes into his sweater.
Thor was really happy. He smiled brightly and gave Bruce a kiss on the top his head.
„Come on lets go to bed darling."
They tiredly trudged onward to the bedroom. The tea on the kitchen counter long forgotten and left to grow cold.

Thors smartwatch vibrated slightly around his wrist, ripping him out of his deep slumber. He slightly turned around to see bruce fast asleep and sighed out of pure relief.
Thor got up carefully as not to wake Bruce and started to make breakfast. It took a little bit of googling and all of his skills but now he had a delicious slice of whole wheat toast with an avocado mash and two soft cooked eggs on it. He poured Bruce a glass of Mango Banana smoothie and put all of it on the bed tray that he bought in Ikea yesterday. It was 10am now and Thor did a rough calculation in his head. Bruce had about 9 hours of sleep. It was safe to wake him now.
Or he didn't need to wake him at all. His boyfriend was sitting on the bed still under the covers. Glasses on and his nose deeply buried in a book. Thor marveled at the sight. He looked precious.
„Oh you're finally here I heard you rummaging around the kitchen but I didn't want to follow you because I was curious. Also this smells really good give it to me please."
Thor laughed and gave the tray to Bruce who immeditaley started digging in. „Ugh Thor this is delicious. I dont remember the las time I ate more than a mere slice of toast for breakfast. "
„Well eat up because I have the whole day planned out."
„Sounds stressing." Mumbled bruce with hs mouth full.
Thor smiled brightly at Bruce insulting his plans and said,:„Nah it isn't because we don't have time limits"
They continued their little self-care day with Netflix in the living room. Thor turned their millions of string lights on while Bruce was deciding what to watch. He choose a Documentary series about the most dangerous animals in the world. Thor loved these as he was still eager to learn more about earth and also to compare some to the ones he knew from Asgard. Bruce was fully engrossed in the series and sitting quietly next to Thor while the latter calmly stroked his hair. Thoughts about Bruces past entered Thors mind, and how hard is life has actually been. Thor really hoped he made it at least somewhat better.
It was six pm now and they already had lunch and stuff so Thor decided to prepare their bath. He went and got the supplies out of his dresser. He let the hot water run in the tub, while he lit up the countless little tea lights and the big Vanilla candle. Thor decided to wait for Bruce with getting the bath bomb in because the store clerk told him that it was a special moment and he certainly didn't want Bruce to miss that. So Thor went into the living room to get Bruce.

„Hey can you come to the bathroom with me I set up a bath."
„Ugh yes I could really go for a bath right now." Moaned Bruce while dramatically throwing his head back.

Thor just laughed and led him to the bathroom.
Bruce was in awe when he entered the room. It smelled of his favorite vanilla candle and there were candles everywhere. He absolutely adored it.

„Look I bought a bath bomb do you wanna drop it in? It says it makes our water look like a galaxy!"

Bruce eyes lit up at the sight of the water turning colorful after he dropped the bath bomb in. He was always a huge sucker for space and this reminded him of the time on the spaceship after Ragnarök. The memories that he made there are very special to him because he and Thor finally realized that they are heavily pining for each other. Not without the help of a certain valkyrie of course. Brunnhilde was pretty fed up with the two acting like fools and constantly circling each other like cats. So she just locked them in a room together until they came out with big smiles on their flushed faces and very tousled hair on their heads.
Bruce looked over at Thor and chuckled at the man marveling over the simple bath bomb.

„I love you." said Bruce softly while smiling. „I really do."
„Haha i Love you too Bruce." laughed Thor simply not really understanding the deep meaning behind those three words.
Bruce nibbles on his fingernails before continuing,: „Like I really do. I couldn't bear losing you. All this, this is so much more than I ever expected to come out of this relationship and I really appreciate it Thor. Thank you. I mean it." exclaimed Bruce lovingly.
„Well lucky you, you're never gonna loose me. And if you do, I assure you I will do everything to make it bearable for you." said Thor empathically, while having a firm look into Bruce eyes.
„But until then let's enjoy all the time we have together, like right now with this bath, okay?" Thor smiled trying to take Bruce out of his worried state.
„Yeah you're right let's get in the bath." Bruce was trying hard to sound cheerful but his mind was still racing.

About two minutes later they were laying in the bathtub while talking about anything and everything really. Thor showed the facemasks to Bruce who took great joy in them. By the end of the day, they fell asleep content in each other's arms. They both really needed a day off after all.

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