Elijah Mikaelson-Jealous

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Imagine: Making Elijah jealous.

You stood at the bar in Rousseau's. You were talking to some guy who's name you didn't even know. He was tall with light brown hair and had green eyes. The guy was attractive sure, but he wasn't your type. There was only one reason you were chatting with the guy.
Elijah Mikaelson. Your boyfriend, who you weren't talking to at the moment. The two of you had gotten into a huge argument, a stupid one too considering the reason. Elijah had gotten mad because you showed up at his family home during a bad time, which led to you almost getting hurt. You assured him you were fine that you could protect youself but he didn't listen. There was some arguing and a lot of yelling which led to the two of you not even speaking to one another. About a week later, here you were.
You could feel Elijah's eyes boring into your back but everytime you looked in his direction he would look away as if he hadn't noticed you. You giggled extra flirtatiously at something that the guy had said. You glanced at Elijah to see his jaw clenched as he intensely glared at you.
"So are you in a relationship?" The guy asks with a smile.
"It's complicated." you said while nodding.
"Well, maybe I could change that?" The guy asked as his hand landed on your waist.
You didn't even get a chance to react before Elijah was by your side, ripping you from the strangers grip. Your eyes widened at the look of Elijah so angry, you had to admit it was kinda hot.
"Leave, now!" Elijah spoke sternly. The guy left with no hesitation which you knew was due to Elijah's compulsion. Elijah then sped away with you and the next thing you know your pressed against a brick wall, most likely in an ally. You grinned at the sight of the flustered Original before you.
"You think that was funny darling? Letting that terrible excuse of a man touch you?" Elijah spoke calmly.
"Well, funny isn't the word I'd use. More like, entertaining." You replied with a smirk as you wrapped your arms around Elijah's shoulders.
Elijah said nothing, instead crashing his lips to yours in a rough, heated, possessive kiss. The kind that made your head spin and your heart skip a beat. Sometime during the kiss Elijah bit your lip hard, which caused you to gasp and tug on his soft dark brown locks. Elijah took advantage of the situation and slipped his tongue in your mouth exploring every inch. It felt like minutes before you two separated.
"If you ever let another man so much as touch you again, I will show you just how entertaining I can be, by ripping his heart from his chest. Am I understood Y/N?" Elijah asked you sternly as he stared into your eyes.
"Yes, Elijah" you replied breathlessly.
"Good" Elijah replied with a smirk plastered on his face.

Multi-Fandom ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora