"What did he do?"

"He kissed me."

"... I don't understand what's wrong with it."

"Well he kissed me and ran away afterwards. That was the time he realized that he might not be as straight as he always thought he was."

"That little bastard!"


"I always thought I was the first one he told!"

Changkyun giggled and leaned back a little. "You were. I didn't see him for about 3 months after that. Well I did, but he always ignored me and ran away as soon as I appeard in his view. He couldn't really accept it, but sooner or later he had to. And as he did, he came to you and told you about it. It was one of the hardest things he ever had to do. He was so scared he couldn't sleep at all and I am still more than thankfull for your reaction."

Oh how I could remember that day. He went to my house - back then I still lived with my parents - and talked some bullshit I couldn't understand at all. It took him about two hours till it bursted out of him. That was the first time I saw him cry. He seemed so broken, so ashamed of himself and so vulnerable... All I did was wrap my arms around his neck and pressed him against my chest till he stoped crying. I told him it was okay and that I didn't understood at all, why he was crying and what he was so scared of, because nothing could ever change my love for him. And I still don't understand why people would have a problem with sexuality. Why do they even care? It's love. It's not like people choose who they fell for. Why would you judge someone who maybe already judged himself? And only because others might think they were not good enough, because their hearts didn't choose someone with the opposite gender?

Mabye I'm strange, but I didn't get it at all. I mean, everyone can have their own opinion and some might find it strange because it's different and that's okay as well. It's the same with music, some find rock is a good thing and some people think it's nothing but loud and annoying. So they can judge if they want to, as long as nobody got hurt.

"I only did what every human being should do in such situations."

"Yeah, but not everybody is ready to do so. So I can more than understand why Hoseok didn't tell anyone beside his mom and now you. He must be scared as fuck. I'm blessed with my open family, but maybe he isn't. Maybe no one inside his family would understand or even accept beside his mom." It sounded terrible. I wanted to go and punch everyone in their face who said or even think something bad about Hoseok.

"I'd like to scream into their faces, that Hoseok is the most beautiful, lovely, caring and fascinating person I've ever met. If someone ever dares to hurt him or tell him lies like he's not worthy, they'll never be happy again." I heard him giggle at my words, then felt warm fingers touching the back of my hand. I didn't realize that I clenched it.

"You are a real friend, Hyungwon. It's a honor for Hoseok, that you fell for him, he'll never meet someone like you again. I hope he sees it and I really hope that he realizes how lucky he is to have you by his side before it is too late." A light smile appeared on my lips. His words were honest, I could feel it. And it felt good to hear them, because people barely tell me nice things like that. And if they do, I felt like they are lying.  But the way Changkyuns voice softened at his words made me believe.



"How did Kihyun open up to you?"

"Oh well", he grinned. "He walked towards me in school - as I stood there with Joshua and talked about some stuff - and grapped my hand, dragging me to the music room which was almost always empty and-" He stopped, his grin only went bigger.

"And what?"

"And he kissed me. He kissed me like his life would depend on it. And as we seperated, I asked him if he would run away this time again."

"What did he answer?"

"I could and I do feel like it. But I know, even if I would, I would come back to you. Because in this whole time between our kisses, you were my first and my last thought, every single fucking day. You're stuck inside my head and even if I had trouble to accept it, you're stuck inside my heart too. I can't get rid of your annoyingly handsome face. And I don't want to." His face turned red as he finished. "I'll never forget those words. I even wrote them down almost instantly."

I couldn't help but laugh. "That sounds so much like you." And I couldn't help but think of Hoseoks beautiful smile. Would he ever be able to like me just as much as I liked him?

Okay, Hyungwonho will appear together sooooooon again :D For now, you have to take Changkyun. I freaking love this guy and I wanted to make him the one talking to Hyungwon about those kind of things.


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