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If you don't take care of her then someone else will.


I checked my mails and still there was no reply from my psychiatrist. My depression pills were already over. I had been patiently waiting for her to give me an electronic prescription so that I could get my medicines from the store. It had been one week since I was not taking depression pills. I didn't want to bother Ermes or dad. They were both busy with their work and my dear husband didn't know anything about me to take care. He didn't even talk to me. I had already started feeling low.

Sometimes I felt shortness of breath, sometimes I felt too low for no reason. Sometimes I felt like there was no reason to live but my love for Eric and this baby helped me fight this battle. I shut my laptop down and sat near the floor length window.

The weather outside was cold and soothing breezes blew from every nook and corner. Birds chirped their favourite melody. Flowers bloomed. Butterflies played catch me I'm the air while some of them sucked sweet nectar from flowers. Everything outside was beautiful unlike me. I sat there staring outside pointlessly. I didn't feel anything. Everything inside me was empty and drained. Nothing excited me. But my moving baby seemed excited. I felt like he was begging me to take him out of the four walls. It felt like he wanted to play.

I smiled sadly. I couldn't even help myself at the moment. How could I help him. I wanted to be happy for him but I couldn't make myself. I was suffocated by huge depression walls surrounding me. My daily routine was wake up, eat, stare the front wall, stare the ceiling and fall asleep. I needed cure. I didn't want to be like that. I wanted to live a life for once. I didn't want my illness to affect my baby. I just had to wait for one and half months more and my baby would be in my arms. Even this thought failed to excite me.

I loved my baby. I wanted to take care of him. I wanted to protect him always. I got up from my place and walked to the living room. My eyes landed on Kate who was busy with her usual stuffs.

"Do you want something?" She asked.

I looked at her grimly. I had developed a good friendship with her in all these months but now I didn't even like to converse with her. I knew it was unhealthy but I couldn't make myself to do it. I just didn't feel like talking to anyone.

"No !" I replied and walked toward the main door ignoring her completely.

"Are you going somewhere ?" She asked and I turned around to look at her.

"Um.. I'm going outside. I'll come back soon." I said. She frowned and came near me. "I'm just done. I'll also accompany you." She smiled.

"No ! I want to go alone." I looked around and then she sighed.

"Okay! Be safe." She turned around and started doing her daily routine. I felt bad. I was being rude to her these days. She was my only friend in the planet and I was giving her a cold shoulder.

"Kate, I'm sorry. I just wanted sometime alone. I'm going to the nearby garden. If you want you can come with me." I said. She looked at me and shook her head.

"It's okay ! I'll be here." She smiled.

I nodded my head and turned around. I didn't even want to stand there. So I walked my way out if the mansion. Cool breezes hit my face as I walked holding my thirty weeks big belly. Small goosebumps erupted on my skin making me feel chills. My hair dangled in blowing wind making me shiver.

The Girl Who Broke Me {CULLEN #2}✓Where stories live. Discover now