Frisk Potter and the surprises of Christmas

Start from the beginning

After Frida and Iskren Potter passed at the hands of the most evil, thought to be dead wizard, they were all about adopting little, newborn Frisk as well, the goat mother even urged on it, seeing the poor, human baby crying simply broke her heart, but the Headmaster insisted she be given to the muggle family, the only family she had left at the side of her deceased mother and nobody could go against him.

They were more than awful, the goat lady thought. Keeping the small girl away from all magic, making her feel like a freak, lying about her parents' death and demeaning her in front of her older cousin all the time.

She shook her head briefly, trying to ward off all the sad thoughts the memories would bring, causing her fluffy, white ears to dangle funnily from one side to another. Now a rather happy smile was being drawn on the goat mother's face, mainly because her younger, 16 year old skeleton son promised to bring the little lady over for Christmas.

When the little pun lover came by with the idea, spitting it out in the most abashed, unsure manner, asking for permission from his mother, she couldn't help but think that the real reason was not as much because he felt bad for his friend and classmate, which had to sit all alone in the dorms during the holiday when all families must unite, simply because her only family didn't want her back for Christmas, she could also feel a strange, excitement from the lazybones and affection towards the little lady, one that appeared instantly on her oldest son's expression as well at the news.

She was now wondering, how come the daughter of her best friends managed to become best friends with her sons, to add to the cauldron, she was more than sure the little lady was swaying both of their tender, young hearts and it reminded her of the teen years, when she would swing between a young, blonde goat kid and a tall, dark haired, human one.

The entrance door closed gently and the small skeleton's happy "NYEH! THEY'RE HOME!" ringing through the entire house made the woman drop whatever chores she had and grab onto a small, wrapped up package, decorated with a red ribbon and storm right towards the entrance of their small home, taking her husband slightly aback.

"Howdy, Frisk!" the oldest brother was already at the spot, giving a small, brown haired teen the widest, most excited smile and his mother surely noticed that faded tint of red coating his furry cheeks.

"uh, bro, i'm here too ya know?" the bonehead she came with let out, giving his older brother a very dull, annoyed gaze while he hid his hands deep within the pockets of his black pants.

"Hi Asriel, hi Papyrus." she let out with a rather shy, girly voice, hiding her closed eyes behind some thick, messy, dark brown bangs.

"Oh!" she let out when suddenly, the youngest one hugged the tiny, young lady's torso with all the strength in those bony arms.

The goat mother couldn't help but let out an adorable "Awwww" at the view, before the small woman hugged back with great care.

"Welcome home, Frisk."

Those very soft, extremely alien to her, words made the girl look up at the tall goat mother. Her lips parted in pure surprise as she's never heard a soul letting out such comforting utters towards her. She froze for a moment, slowly worrying the rest before she snapped out quickly and lowered her gaze once again.

"I you... I'm sorry, i didn't want to bother, but Sans insisted... I know it's more of a family thing..."

"Nonsense, my dear!" the mother reassured her with a happy smile, pacing a comforting paw on her small shoulder.

"These dorks have stuffed our ears about you so much that you can consider yourself part of the family now, hehe!" she added with amusement, making both her older sons avert their gazes in pure fluster while a sparkle of joy and hope appeared in her tiny soul.

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